The 5 technology trends affecting the security sector in 2024

    Even for those of us who have been working in the technology industry for decades, the pace of change over the past 12 months has been extraordinary. Once again, we’re left in no doubt that technological innovations are bringing both huge opportunities and more complex challenges than we’ve faced before, and they show no sign … Continued

      The value of network audio in hazardous areas

      Hazardous areas pose an inherent risk. With the potential for combustions to occur, it is important to consider how you can integrate technology to enhance not only health and safety, but also operational efficiency and security. Many industrial settings are hazardous due to the potential presence of combustible substances such as gas or dust. While … Continued

        Guarding against explosions in agriculture and food production

        Balancing safety and security are essential in any sector, and it’s certainly the case in agriculture and food production. While surveillance brings many benefits, it’s critical that any security solution plays a role in reducing other safety risks. Here we explore how explosion-protected cameras can offer all the benefits of high-quality surveillance in this industry, … Continued

          Explosion protected, explosion proof, and flameproof: What’s the difference?

          We’ll admit it, the technology industry can be terrible for creating jargon which almost seems designed to confuse rather than bring clarity. In our area of the sector, a question we’re often asked is: “What’s the difference between an explosion-protected camera, an explosion proof camera, and a flameproof camera?” In truth, the answer is, “Not … Continued

            5 ways in which metadata is transforming your video surveillance solution

            You may well have heard the term ‘metadata’ over the past couple of years. In simple terms, metadata is data that describes the objects and what is taking place in a scene covered by video surveillance.   Improvements in image quality from surveillance cameras and the application of deep learning and AI provide the foundation for … Continued

              Key trends and insights from Intertraffic 2024

              Intertraffic is now firmly established as the leading event for people working in smart mobility, infrastructure, traffic management, road safety, and parking. Every two years, more than 35,000 professionals gather in Amsterdam to learn about, discuss, and debate the latest developments and trends in the sector. Axis colleagues Andrea Sorri, Segment Development Manager for Cities, … Continued

                How the choice of network technology impacts sustainability

                Organizations across all industries are increasingly adopting sustainable practices. This is being largely driven by consumers, from retail customers through to users of public services such as transport, education, and healthcare. The sustainability credentials of an organization can make the difference between which brand a consumer buys from, or educational establishment a student chooses to … Continued