This is a training course that teaches how to design, install, use and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station and AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.
Format: Instructor-led virtual classroom
Lenght: 2 morning (08:30-12:00)
Language: Dutch
Technical requirements: PC/Notebook with webcam connected
Price (net): € 199 (incl. AXIS Camera Station Pro licence)
There are currently no dates planned.
If you are interested in this course, please contact us.
IMPORTANT: Please log in with your OWN myAxis account.
It is not possible to register third parties. Only one person can be registered per myAxis account.
1. Module A
2. Module B
For system integrators and installers within network video surveillance and with a focus on video management software (VMS).
To get the most out of the training, you should have an understanding of the basics of network video and video surveillance. We recommend that you participate in the E-Learning course 'Introduction to AXIS Camera Station & end-to-end solutions' (English) before attending this training.
Frederic Rocher, Technical Trainer Axis Communications