Electrical substation through a fence

Secure your substation with a single system

As the importance of energy security has increased, so have the potential consequences of intrusion, theft, and vandalism to the grid. For unmanned or isolated substations, robust remote surveillance is critical. An Axis solution is layered, helping you monitor the perimeter, track people and vehicles inside the site, and safeguard key assets. It’s also tailored to your needs, whether that’s staying alert to vehicles approaching an isolated site or to fenceline loiterers in a populated area. At every layer, network technology supports early threat detection, accurate verification, and swift action – without wasting resources on false alarms. 

Power breakers in electrical substation

Optimize production using actionable insights

Energy security isn’t just about protecting sites from intruders, theft, and sabotage. It’s also about ensuring the productivity of your substation – which also helps you make the most of your investment. Our smart network solutions combine thermal technology, sound intelligence, and visual oversight to provide anomaly alerts, real-time operational data, and trend monitoring. And by monitoring and digitizing gauge readings, observing trends in equipment temperature, and detecting sounds over specific thresholds, you can take action to minimize downtime and maximize productivity.      

Illustration of use case examples for electrical substations

How can we support your substation operation?

1. Perimeter protection – buffer zone 
2. Perimeter protection – fence line
3. Drone detection 
4. High-value asset protection
5. General surveillance
6. Access control
7. Vehicle access control 
8. Temperature monitoring 
9.  Sound detection
10. Gauge monitoring 
11. Visual verification of alerts
12. Maintenance verification
13. PPE detection
14. Safety monitoring
15. Speed monitoring

PPE dressed electrical workers in substation

Support safety with a proactive approach

Safety for substations starts with security – keeping unauthorized people out keeps them safe. For authorized individuals, network solutions for health and safety focus on prevention and responsiveness. Network cameras improve situational awareness, and two-way audio lets you speak directly to workers on site to improve safety compliance. Adding intelligent analytics enables real-time alerts in the event of speeding vehicles, or missing personal protective equipment. Finally, footage of incidents or near misses can help you better understand the chain of events to improve trainings or policies for the long term. 

Q1961 thermometric view of electrical substation equipment

Spotlight: thermal imaging

Day or night, Axis thermal and thermometry cameras enhance the information provided by visual cameras. When it comes to security, thermal cameras reliably detect intruders, even in total darkness or other conditions that aren’t ideal for visual cameras. On the operations side, irregular temperature readings can help identify equipment in need of maintenance or replacement, as well as critically overheating equipment, to help you avoid a catastrophic failure and the often long lead time for a replacement.    

Q1951 on a fence line, with cyber sphere around it

Minimize cybersecurity risks

Especially when it comes to critical infrastructure, minimizing cybersecurity risks is essential. To help you, we’ve created Axis Edge Vault, a hardware-based platform that includes cryptographic computing modules to guarantee and protect the identity and integrity of Axis devices from unauthorized access. The platform supports features such as secure key storage, Axis device ID, secure boot, and signed OS. Additionally, signed video lets you check if exported video has been tampered with. And because cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, we also offer ongoing customer guidance and multiple technologies, tools, and services.