NEW SOFTWARE RELEASE ==================== Application: Obstructed View Detection Release date: 2023-03-10 Release type: Development Software version: 0.9.22 Preceding Release: 0.9.13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information =================== Please contact Axis Communications for product information, updates and support at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compatible Products =================== - Any Axis camera with the "deep-learning" machine feature. Installation Instructions ========================= - Upload the .eap to the camera. Then, activate the ACAP. New features and fixes in 0.9.22 =========================================== - Change event "RainDetected" to "ObstructionWaterDroplet". - Change event "SpiderDetected" to "ObstructionInsect". - Change event "SpiderWebDetected" to "ObstructionSpiderWeb". - Add support for more stream resolutions. - Add configurable hysteresis for adjusting detection sensitivity. New features and fixes in 0.9.13 =========================================== - Fix events so the conditions don't have to be triggers. - Add event for "Any obstruction." New features and fixes in 0.9.6 =========================================== - Added internal support for multiple model outputs. - Added new events for spiders and spider webs. Dependencies ============ - Known Bugs/Limitations ====================== - Poor performance when zoomed in, or when the image is blurry. Application Developer Information ================================= Owned by FT PTZ Extensions.