What is on the diskette ======================= The AXIS Utilities disk revision 2.63 contains the following utilities: * AXIS NetPilot version 2.53 * AXIS Print Utility for Windows version 1.04 * AXIS Print Monitor for Windows 95 version 2.03 * AXIS Print Monitor for Windows NT version 2.03 How to install AXIS Utilities for Windows ========================================= 1. Start Microsoft Windows. 2. Insert the disk in the disk drive. 3. Press "Start" and then click on "Run...". (Or from Program Manager select File Menu and choose Run.) 4. Write "A:\Windows\setup" and follow the instructions on the screen. 5. The installation program will create an AXIS Utilities group. AXIS NetPilot ============= AXIS NetPilot software makes management of AXIS Network Print Servers simple and convenient. It runs on Windows platforms that use NetWare and/or NetBIOS/NetBEUI. AXIS NetPilot provides you with following facilities: * installation of new network print servers * modify their configuration * upgrade their software * monitor the printing taking place through the print servers Release Description ------------------- New features: ------------- 1. AXIS 5400 and 5600 print server models supported. 2. Printer specific icons are shown on the summary and monitoring page for some printer models. 3. When upgrading a print server with software version 5.51 or later, the protocols are not turned off prior to the upgrade. 4. When adding a new printer to be monitored, the name of the printer is the same as the printer model e.g. Ricoh Aficio 200, if vailable. 5. On the Summary Page, the network mode (10/100 Mbit) is always shown correctly, if it is available from the print server. Solved problems: ---------------- 6. Solved problem with wrong MAC-address and serial number being displayed on the Summary Page. 7. NetWare. Solved problem with wrong names on printers created in remote mode. 8. When displaying the properties on an NPS 550R, some empty property tabs were shown. These have now been removed. 9. Previously, when displaying the monitoring window, the icon in the upper left corner was set to the system default icon on WinNT. This has now been corrected so that the icon indicated the worst condition of the monitored printers. 10. Fixed monitoring problem, which caused crash when activating the monitoring window just after a rescan. 11. Fixed problem, which caused the wrong name to be saved to the ini-file when adding a new printer to be monitored. 12. Fixed problem, which caused NetPilot to crash if adding a new monitoring group just after deleting an existing one. Log-Files --------- In the same directory as NetPilot.exe is installed into, there are two logfiles: 1. Upgrade.log (Remembers all upgrades.) Writes about the same info as appears in the upgrade window, so you can see which print servers that had success in upgrading or not. 2. NetPilot.log (Refreshed every time NetPilot is run.) Writes a line every time something unusual occurs. Info about source file, line and (potensially error) code. This information can be very usuful when talking to support. Information ----------- When upgrading a print server, you will only lose all settings if the new software contains new parameters (or new types of old ones). Hardware Requirements --------------------- AXIS NetPilot requires a PC with a 386 or higher processor and at least 4MB of RAM. Software Requirements --------------------- AXIS NetPilot can be used with Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows NT and WinOS/2. The network support requirements are: * Windows: NetWare client and/or LAN Server/LAN Manager Workstation Service * Windows for Workgroups: NetWare client and/or Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) * Windows 95: NetWare client and/or Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) * Windows NT: NetWare client and/or Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) * WinOS/2: NetWare client and/or Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) (If NetPilot doesn't display default contexts and a queue volume in the installation wizard when NDS is chosen, the client is probably not configured correctly. Eg "Name Context" and "Preferred Tree" should have values. If NetWare installation (eg queue creation) fails, it often depends on that the user doesn’t have enough permissions (or that the user wasn’t logged in properly when NetPilot was started).) DLLs required ------------- During the installation of the AXIS NetPilot the following DLLs will be placed in the AXIS NetPilot directory: CALWIN16.DLL CLNWIN16.DLL CLXWIN16.DLL LOCWIN16.DLL NCPWIN16.DLL NETWIN16.DLL NWIPXSPX.DLL PRTWIN16.DLL and PCTREE16.DLL (The old NWCALLS.DLL, NWIPXSPX.DLL, NWLOCALE.DLL, NWNET.DLL, NWPSRV.DLL will be removed from the AXIS NetPilot directory if they exist there.) The following DLL will be placed in the Windows/System directory (only if it does not exist already): CTL3DV2.DLL To run AXIS NetPilot without a NetWare client (i.e. using the NetBIOS/NetBEUI protocol), the NetWare DLLs should be in the AXIS NetPilot directory. If you have a NetWare client, the NetWare DLLs can be moved to the Windows/System directory to share them with other applications. Software limitations -------------------- 1. Before uninstalling an Axis Network Print Server which has Remote Printer connections, the user should disconnect all Remote Printer connections using AXIS NetPilot. Otherwise, some information will not be removed from the NetWare File Server. 2. AXIS NetPilot can sometimes fail creating Print Server objects on a NetWare file server when running in Windows NT environment. Therefore the user should create the Print Server object using NWAdmin/PCONSOLE before AXIS NetPilot is used for creating connections. 3. Problems with NetWare Unicode tables. AXIS NetPilot fails to find the NetWare Unicode tables if they are not located in a directory in the local search path. Make sure your local search path includes the NLS sub-directory on SYS:PUBLIC or SYS:LOGIN. Note that a mapping to the *parent* directory is not enough, the path must include the NLS sub-directory. 4. Changing a Print Server's node address in NetPilot may cause problem for NetPilot finding the Print Server again. This is easily solved by restarting NetPilot. 5. To use NetWare Directory Services in NetPilot on Windows 95 with 'Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks with service for NDS', you must be logged in to the NDS tree (and in some cases also have the NetWare Administrator running). No such problems occurs when running Novell's NetWare Clients. 6. The white version of AXIS 560 print server "NPS 560" with software version 5.15 and the Specialix version of "NPS 530" with software version less than 5.21 are not supported by NetPilot, because they don't announce themselves properly. 7. After renaming the print server sometimes uploading the parameter list failed the second time due to faulty internal handling of the new print server name. A workaround is to make a refresh. 8. Running NetPilot on a PC with multiple network cards operating in the same segment in a NetBIOS environment can in some cases prevent NetPilot to find units on one network card. Microsofts knowledge base contains information indicating that this is known problem. 9. NetPilot will not correctly show queues connected via NDS printer objects that are created with other tools (the printer objects names not following NetPilots naming conventions). They will function (print) correctly though. 10. NetPilot (using IPX and NetBEUI) does not support NetWare clients, as Novell Client 5, that uses TCP/IP. AXIS Print Utility for Windows ============================== The AXIS Print Utility is a dual purpose application for network printing in a Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups environment. The functions performed by the AXIS Print Utility are: 1. Install and maintain AXIS Print Server ports as Windows printer ports. 2. Capture and monitor print jobs directed to Print Servers. Requirements ------------ AXIS Print Utility can be used with Windows, Windows for Workgroups. The network support requirements are: * Windows : LAN Server/LAN Manager Workstation Service * Windows for Workgroups : Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) Print Manager must be activated in both cases. Important --------- AXIS Print Utility must be running when you print through your Network Print Server. Software limitations -------------------- 1. General Protection violation could appear when there is little resources left (both RAM and GDI). AXIS Print Monitor for Windows 95 ================================= What is AXIS Print Monitor? =========================== AXIS Print Monitor is used for peer-to-peer printing under Windows 95. Peer-to-peer printing means that your print jobs are sent directly to the print server. AXIS Print Monitor can be used independently on your workstation or on a server. How to use AXIS Print Monitor ============================= To install a printer, run the Windows 95 Add Printer Wizard. You will be asked to select between Local Printer and Network Printer. ====> You have to select Local Printer. <======== AXIS NetBIOS/NetBEUI Ports are automatically listed in the Available Ports list. Previously added AXIS LPR ports are listed in the Available Ports list. if you wish to use new LPR port, select the Printers@LPR port. It is possible to configure AXIS ports to issue printer status pop-up messages. Complete the printer installation. If you connected the printer to the Printers@LPR port, you must now reconnect the printer to a new LPR port. This is done by pressing the "Add Port" button on the second page of the printers property pages. Click the radio button "other". Select AXIS Port and then click OK. Select LPR (TCP/IP) as your choice of network protocol and click OK. Enter the IP address (or the host name) of your print server and assign an appropriate Logical Printer name. Click OK. The LPR port will then be added automatically to the list of available ports. Click OK. Software Requirements ===================== AXIS Print Monitor requires NetBIOS over NetBEUI or TCP/IP to be able to send print jobs to print servers. Printing large print jobs using the LPR protocol requires corresponding extra hard disk space for the spool file. Software Limitations ==================== When running the Add Printer wizard immediately after the monitor is installed or after reboot, the list with available AXIS Ports may be empty. Go back in the wizard, wait and retry to get the list with AXIS Ports. Due to a limitation in Windows, it is not possible to print from DOS on the machine where AXIS Print Monitor is installed. If AXIS Print Monitor is installed on a server, it is possible to print from DOS from the clients. On shared printers in Windows 95, the status of the printer is not reported to the clients. Windows has no mechanism for reporting printer status to clients. Printing small print jobs ( <4 kb) using the LPR protocol to Print Servers with V5.30 software version can cause the Print Servers to hang. It must be restarted again. Please upgrade those Print Servers with new software. The error pop-up message does not disappear until the user either presses the Retry or Cancel button, even if the print job is finished. It is not possible for the Print Monitor to finish other print jobs while a LPR print job is printing on Windows 95. Therefore it is not recommended to use LPR printing in a client-server configuration with Windows 95 as the server. While printing using the LPR protocol, the progress count in the Windows print queue does not correspond to the actual progress of the print job. Log-File ======== AXIS Print Monitor creates a log file called axprmon.log and axprmon.bak in your windows directory. The log file logs some system information and unexpected events. AXIS Print Monitor for Windows NT ================================= What is AXIS Print Monitor? =========================== AXIS Print Monitor is a print spooler component used for peer-to-peer printing under Windows NT. Peer-to-peer printing means that your print jobs are sent directly to the print server. How to use AXIS Print Monitor ============================= To install a printer, run the Windows NT Add Printer Wizard. You will be asked to select between My Computer and Network Print Server. !====> You have to select My Computer. <========! Before an AXIS Port can be used, it must be added. When the dialog with available ports is active, click Add Port, select AXIS Port and click New Port. Select either the TCP/IP (LPR) or NetBIOS/NetBEUI protocol. If you selected the NetBIOS/NetBEUI protocol, select the AXIS Port you want to add and click OK. If you selected the TCP/IP (LPR) protocol, enter the IP address (or the host name) of your print server and assign an appropriate Logical Printer name. Click OK. It is possible to configure AXIS ports to issue printer status pop-up messages. Complete the printer installation. (Do not use Pop-up message in a client-server configuration) Complete the printer installation. DOS-Printing ============ To print from MS-DOS Command Window: 1. Create a printer using the AXIS Port you want to print through. 2. Share the printer 3. In a MS-DOS Command Window: type: net use lptx: \\computer\printer where x = 1-9 computer is your machine name printer is the share name of the printer Log-File ======== AXIS Print Monitor creates a log file called axprmon.log and axprmon.bak in your windows directory. The log file logs some system information and unexpected events. Software Requirements ===================== AXIS Print Monitor requires NetBIOS over NetBEUI or TCP/IP to be able to send print jobs to print servers. Printing large print jobs using the LPR protocol requires corresponding extra hard disk space for the spool file. AXIS Print Monitor runs on Intel X86 platforms. Software Limitations ==================== AXIS Print Monitor runs on Intel X86 platforms. When running the Add Printer wizard immediately after the monitor is installed or after reboot, the list with available AXIS Ports may be empty. Go back in the wizard, wait and retry to get the list with AXIS Ports. On shared printers, the status of the printer is reported only to Windows NT 4 clients. The status reporting is handled by Windows. If a NetBIOS/NetBEUI print job is suspended for more than about 3 minutes (e.g. when the printer is out of paper), the print job will be restarted from the beginning. This is according to the behavior of Microsoft's NetBIOS implementation. If a printer is Offline when a print job is started, no popup message will be issued. The reason is that the print job is pending in the spooler and the AXIS Print Monitor is not called until the printer is Online. Printing small print jobs ( <4 kb) using the LPR protocol to Print Servers with V5.30 software version can cause the Print Servers to hang. It must be restarted again. Please upgrade those Print Servers with new software. The error pop-up message does not disappear until the user either presses the Retry or Cancel button, even if the print job is finished. While printing using the LPR protocol, the progress count in the Windows print queue does not correspond to the actual progress of the print job. More Information ================ If you need more information about AXIS NetPilot, AXIS Print Utility, AXIS Print Monitor or any of the AXIS Network Print Servers, please visit the AXIS WWW Home Page at http://www.axis.com/ . You will be able to download on-line manuals and the latest versions of the software utilities.