FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===================== Products affected: M1065-LW Release date: 2019-04-16 Release type: Production Firmware version: 9.20.1 Preceding release: 9.10.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrade instructions ==================== Upgrade the firmware according to the instructions given at or howtoupgrade.txt, which is included in the firmware folder. New features in 9.20.1 ================================================================================ 9.20.1:F1 Added support for ONVIF Profile T. 9.20.1:F2 Firmware is now signed by AXIS to increase overall minimum cybersecurity level. More information about Signed Firmware can be found here 9.20.1:F3 Upgraded Apache to version 2.4.38 to increase overall minimum cyber security level. 9.20.1:F4 Updated Video Motion Detection to version 4.3.4. 9.20.1:F5 Added support for signed ACAP applications. 9.20.1:F6 Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1a to increase overall minimum cyber security level. Features in 9.10.1 ================================================================================ 9.10.1:F1 The following legacy VAPIX parameter have been removed due to non-usage: Network.DHCP.Fqdn Network.DHCP.IPCheckEnabled Network.DHCP.Retries Network.DHCP.StoreIPAddresseth0 Network.DHCP.StoreIPAddresseth1 Network.DHCP.Timeout 9.10.1:F2 Updated Video Motion Detection to version 4.3.3. 9.10.1:F3 Upgraded Apache to version 2.4.37 to increase overall minimum cyber security level. 9.10.1:F4 Firwmare Recovery will also rollback the previous state of applications (ACAPs) now. Corrections in 9.20.1 ================================================================================ 9.20.1:C1 Corrected an issue that could cause the camera to get unresponsive when two clients are streaming over multicast using the same streaming parameters. 9.20.1:C2 Corrected the following security vulnerabilities to increase overall minimum cyber security level: CVE-2019-3855, CVE-2019-3856, CVE-2019-3857, CVE-2019-3858, CVE-2019-3859, CVE-2019-3860, CVE-2019-3861, CVE-2019-3862, CVE-2019-3863, CVE-2019-9928. Corrections in 9.10.1 ================================================================================ 9.10.1:C1 Corrected an issue that prevented the product from inserting trigger data in SEI message when streaming H.264. 9.10.1:C2 Corrected an issues that could cause an incorrect error message when testing HTTP recipient. 9.10.1:C3 Increased the character limit for certificate IDs from 32 to 128 characters. 9.10.1:C4 Corrected an issue that caused RTSP client timeout to be delayed. 9.10.1:C5 Corrected an issue that caused an HTTP-recipient based action rule to fail when the response from the server excluded the textual phrase (Example: HTTP 200). This will work now. 9.10.1:C6 Corrected an issue that caused the temperature information delivered via SNMP OID to be corrupted. Known Bugs/Limitations ================================================================================ 9.20.1:L1 The VAPIX Parameter Network.RTSP.AllowClientTransportSettings in PlainConfig -> Network needs to be set to "yes" before video can be streamed via ONVIF multicast. 9.20.1:L2 There might be event settings available that is not applicable to the product with the current setup. 9.10.1:L1 It is recommended to perform firmware recovery to rollback the products firmware to a previous version. Downgrading the products firmware through the usual firmware upgrade process can cause configuration and ACAP loss. It is recommended to perform a factory default afterwards. Supported AXIS VAPIX API Image Resolutions for M1065-LW ================================================================================ Resolution Exceptions ========== ========== 1920x1080 1280x960 1280x720 1024x768 1024x576 800x600 640x480 640x360 352x240 320x240 768x576 1) 704x576 1) 704x480 1) 384x288 1) 352x288 1) 1) Not visible in web user interface