FIRMWARE RELEASE NOTE ===================== Products affected: Q6215-LE Release date: 2019-04-16 Release type: Production Firmware version: 9.20.1 Preceding release: 9.10.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrade instructions ==================== Upgrade the firmware according to the instructions given at or howtoupgrade.txt, which is included in the firmware folder. New features in 9.20.1 ================================================================================ 9.20.1:F1 Firmware is now signed by AXIS to increase overall minimum cybersecurity level. More information about Signed Firmware can be found here 9.20.1:F2 Upgraded Apache to version 2.4.38 to increase overall minimum cyber security level. 9.20.1:F3 Updated Video Motion Detection to version 4.3.4. 9.20.1:F4 Updated Motion Guard to version 2.1.8. 9.20.1:F5 Updated Fence Guard to version 2.1.8. 9.20.1:F6 Updated Loitering Guard to version 2.1.8. 9.20.1:F7 Added support for signed ACAP applications. 9.20.1:F8 Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1a to increase overall minimum cyber security level. Features in 9.10.1 ================================================================================ 9.10.1:F1 The following legacy VAPIX parameter have been removed due to non-usage: Network.DHCP.Fqdn Network.DHCP.IPCheckEnabled Network.DHCP.Retries Network.DHCP.StoreIPAddresseth0 Network.DHCP.StoreIPAddresseth1 Network.DHCP.Timeout 9.10.1:F2 Updated Video Motion Detection to version 4.3.3. 9.10.1:F3 Updated Motion Guard and Fence Guard to version 2.1.7. 9.10.1:F4 Updated Loitering Guard to version 2.1.7. 9.10.1:F5 Upgraded Apache to version 2.4.37 to increase overall minimum cyber security level. 9.10.1:F6 Firwmare Recovery will also rollback the previous state of applications (ACAPs) now. Corrections in 9.20.1 ================================================================================ 9.20.1:C1 Corrected an issue that could cause the camera to get unresponsive when two clients are streaming over multicast using the same streaming parameters. 9.20.1:C2 Corrected the following security vulnerabilities to increase overall minimum cyber security level: CVE-2019-3855, CVE-2019-3856, CVE-2019-3857, CVE-2019-3858, CVE-2019-3859, CVE-2019-3860, CVE-2019-3861, CVE-2019-3862, CVE-2019-3863, CVE-2019-9928. Corrections in 9.10.1 ================================================================================ Known Bugs/Limitations ================================================================================ 9.20.1:L1 The VAPIX Parameter Network.RTSP.AllowClientTransportSettings in PlainConfig -> Network needs to be set to "yes" before video can be streamed via ONVIF multicast. 9.20.1:L2 There might be event settings available that is not applicable to the product with the current setup. 9.20.1:L3 If the text overlay is placed in the upper right, lower left or lower right corner, it will only be visible in the highest resolution. 9.10.1:L1 It is recommended to perform firmware recovery to rollback the products firmware to a previous version. Downgrading the products firmware through the usual firmware upgrade process can cause configuration and ACAP loss. It is recommended to perform a factory default afterwards. Supported AXIS VAPIX API Image Resolutions for Q6215-LE ================================================================================ Resolution Exceptions ========== ========== 1920x1080 1280x720 800x450 480x270 320x180 1280x960 1) 1024x768 1) 1024x576 1) 800x600 1) 768x576 1) 720x576 1) 704x576 1) 704x480 1) 640x480 1) 640x360 1) 704x288 1) 480x360 1) 704x240 1) 384x288 1) 352x288 1) 352x240 1) 320x240 1) 240x180 1) 192x144 1) 176x144 1) 176x120 1) 160x120 1) 160x90 1) analyze 1) 1) Not visible in web user interface