SOFTWARE RELEASE NOTES ====================== Application: AXIS License Plate Verifier Release date: 2024-07-10 Release type: Production Software version: 2.11.9 File name: AXIS_License_Plate_Verifier_2_11_9.eap Preceding Release: 2.10.13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Information =================== Please contact Axis Communications for product information, updates and support at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compatible products =================== See complete list of compatible products at * From version 1.4.0 AXIS License Plate Verifier will no longer support camera models P1435-LE, Q1765-LE and P3225-LE. For these camera models you should use version 1.2.1 or earlier versions. New Features in 2.11.9 since 2.10.13 ================================== * Added support for military and federal license plate for Germany. Corrections in 2.11.9 since 2.10.13 ================================== C01: - Corrected an issue with stability, where full frame saved with an event and send out through Push Events when there are more than six license plates present within one second could have generated a crash on the analytic. C02: - Corrected an issue with Push Events, where up on reconnection the buffered and new events are not send. C03: - Corrected an issue with the Direction icon. C04: - Corrected an issue with incorrect data for TS<>TS filed on saved events. C05: - Corrected an issue with min and max symbols for recognition on New Zealand license plates. C06: - Corrected an issue where the Longitude and the Minnesota parameters did not save correctly. C07: - Improved on Germany libraries and country detection. C08: - A maximum of ten events can be saved on camera memory when the frame selected is "Vehicle Crop", "Frame-downsized 480x270" or "Full frame". License plate crop will store up to 1000 events on cameras memory. SD card will store up to 100,000 events regardless of the frame. New Features in 2.10.12 since 2.9.19 ================================== * Added new LPR library with real-time LPR VAPIX event ALPV.RealTeim (for Radar integrations) * Added new condition for Push Events, you can set to push events based on the direction of the vehicle. * Added support for proxy server under Integration for Push Events. Corrections in 2.10.12 since 2.9.19 ================================== C01: - Corrected an issue with the Internal I/O port of the camera which did not activate. C02: - Update license plate library which fixes an issue with Polish License plate where a 0 was read as an O. C03: - Update license plate library for German which improves license plates for Country and umlaut recognition. C04: - Update license plate library for Latvian temporary license plates. C05: - Update license plate library for CZ and the new introduced license plate templets, which improves on reading recognition. C06: - Updated the 2N integration, only a read change of the same tracked plate will be sent to the 2N IP device. C07: - Corrected an issue for barrier mode with access accepted for German plates where there is a space between the first characters. C08: - Corrected an issue for HTTP Management API requests send with an empty body. C09: - Improved on the I/O Relay module A9161/A9188 integration. When activating the integration to the I/O Relay module only the correct or available port will be displayed, corresponding to the actual device ports. C10: - Removed a limitation of 12 maximum password characters when used for Lyst Synchronization, under list management. C11: - Corrected an issue with AXIS OS upgrade or upgrade to AXIS License Plate Verifier to the latest version and SD Cards that was not accessible after the upgrade. C12: - Corrected an issue with two profiles in Push Events which one profile could affect the other. C13: - Corrected an issue with HTTPS and list synchronization. C14: - Corrected an issue that affected Operator user access. New Features in 2.9.19 since 2.8.4 ================================== * Added new data sets to the license plate detected, vehicle type and colour (tagged as beta). * Added Diplomatic license templates for Switzerland. * Added to the metadata streaming when using ALPV.AllPlates the license plate crop as base64 format. Corrections in 2.9.19 since 2.8.4 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with directions that could have resulted on the wrong direction detection. C02: - Switched to manifest.json. C03: - Removed root user dependencies. C04: - Fixed an issue with P1445-LE-3, P3245-LVE-3, P1455-LE-3, P3265-LVE-3 and P1465-LE-3 where the license code showed as not activated on a camera default status. C06: - Fixed an issue with FTP naming of files for Push Events. C07: - Fixed an issue with Push Events and buffer for different status events. Added a new trigger for sending - timer-120 s by default. C08: - Improvements for Wisconsin License plate where the first latter on the plate which classifies the vehicle is not included on the plate read. C09: - Fixed an issue with UTF8 and Test button function under Push Events. C10: - Improved on Germany Region recognition for NAU (Nauen, Brandenburg) and RN (Rathenow, Brandenburg). C11: - Improved on New Zealand libraries with extended plate formats to increase reads for Custom/Personalized plates. C12: - Fixed an issue with ACT_Param which saves the name of the list where the plate is found. C13: - Fixed an issue with Camera synchronization under List management. C14: - Improved the libraries on Check (CZ) new license plate templates introduced in 2023. C15: - Fixed an issue with AXIS OS upgrade or AXIS License Plate Verifier upgrade to the latest version where credentials were requested. New Features in 2.8.4 since 2.7.1 ================================== * Added support for new Slovakian license plate templates. * Added support for new Hungarian license plate templates. * Added support for new Netherland license plate templates. * Added extra polygons to the Area of Interest for a more flexible coverage of the area. * Added the possibility to set image parameters according to the manual for none AXIS License Plate Verifier kit cameras. * Added the possibility for 2N integration to select the type of event by direction, any, in or out which it can be send to 2N IP device. * Added the possibility to send two images with Push Event, one image will be the license plate crop and the other image will be the same frame as used to be saved with the event under Settings>Image>Save Full Frame. * Added a new VAPIX event ALPV.Update. This event will be triggered together with metadata for every updated event. * Added statistic data to the Push Event “Lost” on number of plate reads for the detected plate as average. * Added the IP address of the camera to the Push Event. Corrections in 2.8.4 since 2.7.1 ================================== C01 - Corrected CVE-2023-21407, CVE-2023-21408, CVE-2023-21409, CVE-2023-21410, CVE-2023-21411, CVE-2023-21412. For more information, please visit the Axis vulnerability management portal. C02 - Improved on German license plates where emblems on the plates could be detected as a character. C03 - Synchronized the metadata on the VAPIX event to align with those send on Push Events. C04 - Fixed an issue with Camera Location which did not get saved during the running of the Wizard. C05 - Corrected the German regions Lower Saxony for SFA XXXXX number plates and Ostvorpommern, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern OVP XXXXX number plates. New Features in 2.7.1 since 2.6.0 ================================== * Added new region "South America" with support for the following countries Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay and Paraguay. * Added the possibility to activate and deactivate the Area of Interest from the Event log tab, you can view where the Area of Interest is situated and make adjustments to it if necessary. * Added a Heartbeat Service under Push Events which can send data to an end point every 5, 10, 30, 60 minute or every 24 hours. Data send are timestamp, Platform, AXIS OS version, IP address, MAC address, AXIS License Plate Verifier version, Device_ID, Number of frames, Number of reads. * Added additional data sets Country, Region and View (front view, rear view of a license plate) related to a license plate. This feature is tagged as beta. * Camera location, this helps to indicate where the camera is located to improve on Country/Region/State/Territory recognition for selected region. * Improved on State recognition for USA. * Added state recognition for Canada. Corrections in 2.7.1 since 2.6.0 ================================== C01 - Correct an issue when the camera is set to HTTPS only and AXIS License Plate Verifier displayed a pop-up message related to username and password. C02 - Correct an issue with Area Of Interest, it is no longer need to click in and out of the Area of Interest or the Direction icon for it to be selected. New Features in 2.6.0 since 2.5.0 ================================== * Added Secure Entry Integration. * Added Monaco license plates. * Added Czech custom/personalized plates. Corrections in 2.6.0 since 2.5.0 ================================== New Features in 2.5.0 since 2.4.0 ================================== * Added the possibility to export events to PDF. * Added the possibility to turn on/off the buffer events for Push Events. * Added Country and region information in JASON and VAPIX events. * Added test button functionality for the Genetec Integration. Corrections in 2.5.0 since 2.4.0 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with Latvian license plates with 3 and 4 characters. C02: - Improved on Austrian license plates recognition in relation to symbols on the plate. C03: - Improved recognition for Australian plates and added region recognition. C04: - Fixed an issue with the Schedule on List Management. New Features in 2.4.0 since 2.3.1 ================================== * Added two new regions, North America which includes USA, Canada, and Mexico as one region. GCC region which includes UEA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain as one region. * Added the possibility to use Virtual Ports through Barrier mode. * Added Genetec Integration in the Integration menu under Direct Integrations. * Added save and restore for the Access Control (A1001) and Genetec. Corrections in 2.4.0 since 2.3.1 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with FTP which allows now to use the same modifier twice on the Path and Name. C02: - Corrected the security settings related to the path for the certificates. C03: - Fixed an issue with the Wizard were importing of the lists to Allow/Block/Customs did not complete correctly. C04: - Fixed an issue with description of the plate on list management. The plate description is now searchable and is part of the export. C05: - Improved the Integration menu, only the fields relevant to the protocol TCP, HTTP or FTP will now be active during configuration. C06: - Improved on the FTP push events, you can now use an empty path (root directory) and added separators for the file naming such as dash - or underscore _. C07: - Fixed an issue with different profiles and Device IDs in the integration tab for push events. C08: - Fixed an issue with the Test button in Integration menu for HTTP, TCP, and FTP. C09: - Fixed an issue where the activation of the Relay module was affected when Operators updated Allow/Block/Custom lists. C10: - Improved Germany region recognition. C11: - Improved the semantics rules for Australian (Victoria) license plates. C12: - Improved the semantics for Netherland classic license plates. New Features in 2.3.1 since 2.2.0 ================================== * Added a description to the license plate on list management. The description of the plate will be part of Push Event as well as the real time events (VAPIX). * Added backup/restore function. * Added a Test button under Integration menu. This will allow to test integrations for Push Events as well as integration to AXIS Camera Station. * Added a function to clear all saved events, this will clear all the license plates and images that are captured to that point on AXIS License Plate Verifier. * Added API authentication for HTTP using Authorization header. * Added themes light/dark to AXIS License Plate verifier. Corrections in 2.3.1 since 2.2.0 ================================== C01: - Improved the way you set the FTP file naming. It is no longer needed to type the modifier, instead you will select the modifiers presented for the naming combination that is required. C02: - Fixed an issue with Zoom, Focus and Autofocus for Q17xx-LE cameras. C03: - Fixed a memory leak with Push Events when the server stops responding. C04: - Fixed an issue with description of the plate and German plates, which did not show when the plate belonged to a list and had a description. New Features in 2.2.0 since 2.1.0 ================================== * Added user rights, an operator link is presented under the Settings page which can be used with Operator rights on the camera. * Added profiles for Push Events. Now you can create three different profiles to push events to three different servers that can be with the same protocol, or a mix of protocols. * Updated the interface elements, the parameters which used to be as a tick box are now updated with slide on and off. * Added possibility to send in multipart package (JSON +image) or in a simple JSON (image transmits in base64 in image JSON field). * Added schedules for Allow/Block/Custom list. This schedule applies to all the plates on that list. * Added camera functions such as Autofocus, Zoom and Focus. These functions will be available both during the wizard setup as well as when you edit the Area of Interest. * Added Edit option for Camera Synchronization. This means that you can now edit, IP address, username and password on cameras already added for list synchronization. * Added Naming and Path for FTP in Push events. * Added a new trigger event ALPV.PlateInView. This event will activate a trigger from the first detection of the license plate until the license plate has left the scene/image. Corrections in 2.2.0 since 2.1.0 ================================== C01: - Improved the Camera synchronization feedback, the cameras that have been added to Camera Synchronization will give feedback as to which IP address, the cameras are getting list updates from. C02: - Fixed and issue where images settings parameters on the camera such as WDR or IR cut filter which could affect AXIS License Plate Verifier. C03: - Fixed an issue with lowercase letters for the Search function in ALPV. C04: - Push Events have now been improved, depending on the protocol selected only the relevant fields of the protocol are activated. New Features in 2.1.0 since 2.0.2 ================================== * The lists can now be renamed from Allow, Block or Custom to a different name. The name change on the list will reflect for the barrier mode under Settings and will also be updated for action rules. * Updated the "Barrier Mode" under settings to reflect the new Custom list and made some changes to adapt to the naming changes of the list should they be renamed. * Added 2N IP Devices integration under the Integration menu. * Added FTP protocol under Integration. Using FTP function under Integration you can now send images saved from the event to an FTP server. * Added the possibility for the text overlay to show only the license plate without date and time. * Added support for a new resolution 2560x1440. Corrections in 2.1.0 since 2.0.2 ================================== C02: - Fixed an issue with Custom list which did not activate accordingly. C03: - Fixed an issue with the direction icon when setting the Area of Interest where the indicator for rotating the direction would be outside the image. C04: - Improved performance on loading the license plates in list management where you could have up to 10,000 license plates. C05: - Fixed a step on the wizard when you select "Controller" as the access control during the wizard the last step for loading up license plates to lists is greyed out. C06: - Improved the scaling of the GUI which adapts better to the resolution of the screens. C07: - Fixed an issue with image rotation on the Wizard for "Image Settings" which required that you click "Next" for the parameters to take effect. New Features in 2.0.2 since 1.8.4 ================================== * New and improved Web Interface * Added support for USA and Canada. * Added a "Wizard" configuration during the installation. * New improved List Management. * New and improved mode for setting the area of interest using polygon function for Area of Interest (ROI: region of interest). * All parameters are now saved instantly during the parameter changes (removed the need for a save button). - Currently the Integration tab is the only part in AXIS License Plate Verifier that has a save button. * All AXIS License Plate Verifier kit cameras P1445-LE-3, P3245-LVE-3 and P1455-LE-3 will now permanently save the license key which will be activated automatically even on a default or restore of the camera. * New and improved camera synchronization in AXIS License Plate Verifier for synchronizing Allow/Block lists. * AXIS License Plate Verifier generates a user account on the camera when it is installed, this removes the need to enter root credentials on ALPV in order to be able to use the camera's internal I/O port. * If a license plate already exists on Allow/Block lists when you try to add it, you will be given a message that the plate already exists on the list. * Added the possibility to add license plates from Live events or Search events to ether Allow or Block lists. * Search function on the Allow/Block list for specific number plates. Corrections in 2.0.2 since 1.8.4 ================================== C02: - Fixed an issue with the web interface regarding event send checkbox. C03: - Fixed a memory leak. New Features in 2.0.1 since 2.0.0 ================================== * Canadian libraires updated. Improved the Canadian license plate recognition. * Implemented a new logic for Push Events, in case of server disconnection to resend the event to the TCP/HTTP server. * Improved the libraries for all the regions with higher detection and recognition accuracy. Corrections in 2.0.1 since 2.0.0 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with Push Events where Unicode, UTF8 and ASCII plate text differed from plate text when send through. C02: - Fixed a stability issue which made ALPV not responding when Push Events are activated and services for the network cards were restarted. C03: - Added CarID as well as Direction to the VAPIX metadata streaming. C04: - Fixed issue with password - empty password is available now. C05: - Fixed issue with Export URL to Excel C06: - Fixed issue with Allow/Black list on upload API - changed to allow and deny. C07: - Fixed issue in License Plate Recognition SDK - Germany region Added new templates New Features in 1.8.4 since 1.8.0 ================================== * Implemented a new logic for Push Events, in case of server disconnection to resend the event to the TCP/HTTP server. * Improved the libraries for all the regions with higher detection and recognition accuracy. Corrections in 1.8.4 since 1.8.0 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with Push Events where Unicode, UTF8 and ASCII plate text differed from plate text when send through. C02: - Fixed a stability issue which made ALPV not responding when Push Events are activated and services for the network cards were restarted. C03: - Added CarID as well as Direction to the VAPIX metadata streaming. C04: - Fixed issue with password - empty password is available now. C05: - Fixed issue with Export URL to Excel C06: - Fixed issue with Allow/Black list on upload API - changed to allow and deny. C07: - Fixed issue in License Plate Recognition SDK - Germany region Added new templates New Features in 1.8.0 since 1.7.2 =====================8============= * Added statistics summery which is based on search function and events, this shows the total number of events detected for a timeline and splits it into event type for, direction, lists and region of interest. * Added a new condition for access control "region of interest". * Added "Copy search link", this is an alternative to the csv export function and includes the URL for the saved image related to the event on the camera (in order to use this feature, the anonymous user must be activated). * Added a new filter in search "Direction". * Added the possibility to use wild cards on list management for Allow/Bloc lists. The symbol ? can be used for single character and the symbol * can be used for more than one character. Corrections in 1.8.0 since 1.7.2 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with sending license plates that has a space to Access Control (A1001). C02: - List management names have changed from White/Black to Allow/Bloc. C03: - Improved the Czech license plate recognition. C04: - Improved the libraries for UK license plate templates beyond 2019, such as 2020 and 2021. C05: - Fixed an issue with the URL for Push Events, for symbols & in the URL make sure to change it to %26. New Features in 1.7.2 since 1.7.0 =================================== * Added new Spanish license plates for trailers. Corrections in 1.7.2 since 1.7.0 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with free space in SD cards. C02: - Fixed an issue with search for license plates. New Features in 1.7.0 since 1.6.0 =================================== * Added Australian and New Zealand license plates. Corrections in 1.7.0 since 1.6.0 ================================== New Features in 1.6.0 since 1.5.5 =================================== * Updated the LPR libraries with South African license plates. * Added new duration for text overlay where parameters can be set between 1 - 9 seconds duration. * Added the possibility of making changes to the text overlay parameters for AXIS License Plate Verifier for font, background, outline, colour, size and placement under the camera settings for Overlay. * Expanded the saved frame in AXIS License Plate Verifier -License plate crop (default) -Vehicle crop -Downsized frame 480x270 -Full frame 1920x1080 (this will adapt based on the resolution set in ALPV, 1080pm 3 Mpx or 5 Mpx). Corrections in 1.6.0 since 1.5.5 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with camera event conditions for the application, ALPV.PlateIn and ALPV.PlateOut. New Features in 1.5.5 since 1.5.4 =================================== Corrections in 1.5.5 since 1.5.4 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with "Push events" for both TCP/HTTP POST in the event transmission. Increased the connection timeout for "Push events" to one second. New Features in 1.5.4 since 1.5.2 =================================== * Added HTTPS for AXIS License Plate Verifier. The function is activated under Settings>Advanced>Security. -HTTPS will be available between AXIS License Plate Verifier and controller (A1001) / Relay Module (A91xx). -HTTPS will be available for "Push events" (HTTP POST only). Corrections in 1.5.4 since 1.5.2 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with Granted/Accepted status on the AXIS License Plate Verifier interface. C02: - Fixed an issue with license plate detection when "Push events" is enabled and the network is not stable. C03: - Fixed an issue with credentials when the HTTP port on the camera has changed from default 80. New Features in 1.5.2 since 1.5.0 =================================== * Minimum plate Width Symbols in Advanced mode. This is for those plates that do not adhere to standard plates requirement, where by lowering the characters of the plate from 5 to 3, all the license plate that are under 5 characters will be recognized. Corrections in 1.2.2 since 1.5.0 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with "Vehicle Direction" when transmitting license plates to a controller (A1001). The logic has been simplified, only direction settings will be considered as a condition for plates to be send to a controller when "Vehicle Direction IN or OUT" has been set. New Features in 1.5.0 since 1.4.0 =================================== * GUI update for the settings page, all parameters and their functions have been grouped so there is clear indication as to what the parameters do in the settings. * Added new condition for the Barrier Mode in ALPV “Vehicle direction”. * New Action Rule set for the camera event “ALVP.NotInList, ALPV.Plateout, ALPV.PlateIn”. * Increased the credentials for the White/Blacklist from 1,000 up to 10,000. * Added Import/Export faction for White/Black list with CSV file format. * Synchronization of Whit/Black list between multiple cameras with one camera acting as a leader. * Added text overlay on the video stream with time stamp of day time and the license plate detected. * Updated the Integration for APIs. Added a link to the images in JASON for the TCP function for the “Push Events”. * Updated the LPR libraries. Added new Sweden template update, added new German Template, Added new German Templet for Eclectic cars. Corrections in 1.4.0 since 1.2.0 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with big configuration files from the A1001. Increased the buffer for A1001 controller configuration. New Features in 1.4.0 since 1.2.0 =================================== * Added "Push Events" tab to the GUI, the events can now be pushed through TCP or HTTP POST in JSON format. Corrections in 1.4.0 since 1.2.0 ================================== C01: - Optimized memory usage. C02: - Fixed bug with check box in advanced settings. C03: - Changed VAPIX workflow - removed duplication on VAPIX events. C04: - Added timestamp to VAPIX protocol C05: - Removed special character limitation for the camera credentials. New Features in 1.2.1 since 1.1.0 =================================== * Added Push Event for pushing data through TCP or HTTP. * Added different frame capture for the events, license plate crop, vehicle crop, full downscaled frame, or full sized frame. * Added Text overlay. New Features in 1.2.0 since 1.1.0 =================================== * Allow only exact matches of license plates that are on White/Black list in AXIS License Plate Verifier. - In normal conditions, the algorithm allows a deviation of one character. Some setups requires an exact match of all characters. * Umlaut is added to the supported characters in the license plate as well as in White/Black list * Upgraded integration protocol with A1001 controller. Changed license plate field format from ASCII to Unicode (to support diacritic characters) * Added advanced settings a. Recognition threshold – (0.7 by the default). The threshold can be set to 0.6 to increase the recognition rate if the installation conditions are bad. b. Min and max widths of the license plate from Settings Tab are removed to the advanced settings c. Levenshtein distance check is added (On/off and symbols) Corrections in 1.2.1 since 1.2.0 ================================== C01: - Updated the lists from white/black to allow/block. C02: - Updated the VAPIX events. New Features in 1.2.0 since 1.1.0 =================================== * Allow only exact matches of license plates that are on White/Black list in AXIS License Plate Verifier. - In normal conditions, the algorithm allows a deviation of one character. Some setups requires an exact match of all characters. * Umlaut is added to the supported characters in the license plate as well as in White/Black list * Upgraded integration protocol with A1001 controller. Changed license plate field format from ASCII to Unicode (to support diacritic characters) * Added advanced settings a. Recognition threshold – (0.7 by the default). The threshold can be set to 0.6 to increase the recognition rate if the installation conditions are bad. b. Min and max widths of the license plate from Settings Tab are removed to the advanced settings c. Levenshtein distance check is added (On/off and symbols) Corrections in 1.2.0 since 1.1.0 ================================== C01: - Fixed issue with multiple triggering of control module relay on one license plate. C02: - Added possibility to use special characters (!@#$) in the password of the I/O control module (A91xx). C03: - Added right timestamp to VAPIX (from the media API) New Features in 1.1.0 since 1.0.0 =================================== * GDPR complaint. * Added an event storage handler. * On this version we have added a backup function, this means that when upgrading to future version of the ACAP the configuration and data will be intact. Corrections in 1.1.0 since 1.0.0 ================================== C01: - Fixed an issue with calculating SD card free space C02: - Fixed a bug where the memory usage grows in a particular used case (two license plates rotate with a period up 10 seconds) C03: - The camera now only displays the resolutions supported by the camera, instead for either 1080p or 5 megapixel. Upload instructions =================== In the supported product's web interface, go to the Applications menu and upload this application package. Start and configure the application. For more instructions see the User Manual at Dependencies ============ To install and configure AXIS License Plate Verifier, you must use a supported browser. Known Bugs/Limitations ================================ L01: The maximum number of cameras that is recommended for synchronizing lists under "Camera Synchronization" is 10. L02: If you have a list management with 10,000 plates, it can take up to 30 seconds for the list to load up and a message is displayed "updating". L03: The new implementation of Push Event where we try to re-send events to the TCP/HTTP server in the event of failure or disconnection will only save and try to resend the last 100 failed events. L04: AXIS License Plate verifier 1.8.x (including eelier versions) is now supported only up to firmware 10.5 or earlier versions. L05: Corridor format (image rotation 90 or 270 degrees) is not supported by AXIS License Plate Verifier. L06: AXIS License Plate Verifier 2.9.19 or later requires AXIS OS 11.6.94 or later. L07: AXIS License Plate Verifier 2.10.12 or later requires AXIS OS 11.8.74 or later. L08: Camera Synchronization under List Management from AXIS License Plate Verifier 2.9.19 will requires the camera's credentials of a user with administrator rights. L09: AXIS License Plate Verifier 2.11.9 or later will only save a maximum of 10 events on camera's memory when the frame is set to “Vehicle crop”, “Frame downsized 480x270” or “Full frame”. K01: When two license plates are present at the same time on the same frame, the text overlay functions will work slower.