NEW SOFTWARE RELEASE ==================== Application: AXIS Motion Guard Release date: 2015-09-28 Release type: Production Software version: 1.0.0 File name: AXIS_Motion_Guard_1_0-0.eap Preceding Release: N/A Requirements: AXIS Media Control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact information =================== Please contact Axis Communications for product information, updates and support at Compatible products =================== See the complete list of compatible products at Dependencies ============ To install and configure AXIS Motion Guard, you must have Windows, Internet Explorer 9 or higher and AXIS Media Control (provided by the application). Installation instructions ========================= In the supported product's web interface, go to the Applications menu and upload this application package. Install the license key, start and configure the application. For more instructions, read the User Manual from Known Bugs/Limitations ====================== L01: No action rule is available if the application's wizard is aborted. L02: The application cannot be run with a combination of mirrored image and 90/270-degree rotation. L03: The "xinternal" event is a internal event used within the application. L04: "Could not upload package file; the file is not a valid package". This message is displayed if using a non-supported firmware. Go to to check compatible products, make sure to use the latest firmware in your camera. L05: Enabling visual confirmation may introduce video latency. L06: Visual confirmation is disabled after 15 minutes. L07: If the camera’s capture mode is changed during setup, the camera must be restarted for visual confirmation to work correctly. L08: It is not recommended to run AXIS Video Motion Detection at the same time as the camera’s built-in motion detection or other Analytics ACAPs. This may impact behaviour and performance of this application. L09: When restoring a product, action rules are removed, leaving the application in "Idle" mode. L10: The application does not prevent from setting up improbable perspectives. L11: When copying a profile to create a new one, the perspective filter will be enabled on the new profile. L12: When deleting a profile, make sure to reconfigure software and action rules that use the profile.