1(1) NEW SOFTWARE RELEASE Version 1.00 ==================== Product involved: - Specific software: AXIS NetPilot Release date: Release type: Production Software version: 2.50 Software media: Diskette 3.5" (HD) Software checksum: - Last preceding release: 2.00 Upgrade instructions: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy Release Description: New features: ------------- 1. Improved behavior preventing NetPilot to "lock" itself and other applications when scanning the network for print servers and monitoring printer ports. 2. User defined folders can now be created allowing efficient management of many print servers in large networks. As a result: changed functionality of the "New Group" and "Add Printer" buttons on the toolbar. 3. Added new method of editing the print server parameter list allowing batch configuration. 4. Added future-proof functionality allowing handling of future print server models and changes to parameter list of existing products. 5. Print servers will be shown one-by-one according to the order they are discovered by NetPilot, effectively reducing the time to start working with the print servers. 6. NetWare. Dramatically reduced time for presenting print servers with software version 5.51 or later. 7. Added functionality to permanently turn used protocol for finding print servers off. Turning the NetBIOS protocol off (if not needed) will minimize NetPilot's startup time in IPX networks. 8. Improved trouble shooting by added support for printing a test page (over IPX or NetBIOS) directly from NetPilot. 9. Added "Apply" button on the property page allows setting of parameters without leaving the property sheet. 10. Added support for sorting the print server by model, name or port status (in the monitoring groups) giving easier administration of print server in large networks. 11. Added feature of installing multiple print servers (with current configuration) by moving them from the "New Axis Units" folder to the "Network Print Server" folder. 12. Added functionality to handle print servers with WINS support. 13. Added functionality to install and configure multiport print servers with JetAdmin support. 14. Installation Wizard. Proposed printer type on the Apple EtherTalk tab is based on the default value in the print server. Before this value was always set to LaserWriter. 15. Added support to specify remote printer slot number when installing the print server in RPRINTER mode. 16. Support for AXIS 570/100 Fast Ethernet print server and configuration of the TN3270E specific parameters in AXIS 570, 570/100 and 670. 17. Support for handling the reduced parameter list in the AXIS PrintPoint 140 BJC. 18. Added warning if the user is trying to turn off all Frame Types (in each protocol). Solved problems: ---------------- 19. After successfully upgrading the print server, NetPilot lost the connection to the print server in the closing phase of the upgrade procedure. This resulted in that the TCP/IP, NetBEUI and Apple EtherTalk protocols was not restored. Re-activating of protocol after upgrading now works. 20. Improved communication over IPX. This will reduce the number of "Could not communicate..." error messages. Solves also problem when getting "Print Jobs" information. 21. NetWare 3.12. When making a connection to a bindery file server NetPilot asked multiple times for user and password. This problem is now solved. 22. NetWare. Solved problem with lost test page print out from the installation wizard. 23. NetWare. Previously when connecting a second NetWare queue (both REMOTE and PSERVER mode) to the print server via the "Network" page, an error occurred causing NetPilot to terminate abruptly. This is now solved. 24. NT 4 Workstation. Solved problem installing the AXIS PrintPoint 1P 560/100 with the installation wizard. 25. When installing a new version of NetPilot (on an old version) the contents in the .ini and .log file was lost. This caused print servers in folder "Installed units" and monitored ports to disappear after an upgrade. This problem is now solved. 26. IBM Page format page. NetPilot now allows the parameter "margins" to be set to negative values. 27. Solved problem that could cause the Windows PC to run very slowly if NetPilot had been running for several days without a restart. 28. NetWare. Solved problem preventing NetPilot to find volume aliases. 29. Solved problem with characters not fitting into the headline text bar for the left and right pane. 30. The window presenting printer characteristics on the Summary tab sometimes showed garbage signs or duplicated information. This problem is now solved. Recommendation: - An update to this software is necessary, if you want any of the new/corrected features mentioned above. Best regards AXIS COMMUNICATIONS AB Further information is available on request: Appendix A : Detailed technical description of the release. Appendix B : Software limitations. Appendix C : Affected material Appendix D : Axis internal document Appendix E : Additional internal documents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix A - DETAILED TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF RELEASE App A 1(1) Product involved: AXIS NetPilot Software version: 2.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- New features ------------ 1. 2.00 and older versions caused the PC to "freeze" when scanning for print servers. By letting other applications access computing power during scanning this behaviour is avoided. Also parallel tasks can be carried out in NetPilot e.g. viewing Summary and Properties while at the same time scanning the network. 2. With the introduction of user defined folders, the "New Group" and "Add Printer" buttons have become context sensitive and are used for both creating new print server/monitoring groups and adding print servers/ ports. 3. A new feature editing the print server in a special window enables support for batch configuration of print servers. It also allows the user to create a user specific configuration file for fast and easy configuration of many print servers simultaneously. 4. This version of NetPilot is more dynamic allowing management of future print servers and features without upgrading NetPilot. Following new methods are used: - Use of a default icon for unrecognized units. - Determines and builds dynamically the property pages from the content of the parameter file. - Shows new parameters grouped in a default manner. 5. The one-by-one appearance allows configuration of the print server directly after discovery. In large networks it greatly reduces time before the user must spend before the unit is discovered. The chosen sorting function will be carried out after all print servers have been found. 6. Print server with software version 5.51 or later utilize a new method announcing themselves in a NetWare environment. This will allow NetPilot to retrieve the necessary information about the print server directly from the file server, dramatically reducing the time for NetPilot to detect and present print servers. This is especially beneficial in large networks with many print servers. 7. Using the key combination Ctrl-Alt-Shift-P enables the protocols used by NetPilot to be permanently turned on/off. Note that this is only affecting the protocol used to _find_ units, not for communicating with the NetWare file server. 8. From the "Printer Ports" tab test printouts can be generated. Also a help dialogue is available if the test page was not printed, guiding the user how to localize the cause of the problem. 9. No further information. 10. No further information. 11. Moving of multiple print servers from the "New Axis Units" folder to the "Network Print Server" folder is now supported and is the first step when using the new "Editing Parameter List" tool to configure multiple print servers simultaneously. This is done by selecting the print servers to be installed and clicking the right button on the mouse and selecting "Install". 12. Support for print servers that support Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS). Installation Wizard is extended to ease the settings of the WINS parameters during installation. Also current status of the connection to the WINS server is displayed on the "Windows and OS/2" Property page. 13. Multiport print server with JetAdmin support can now be installed and managed by NetPilot. Note that the Network tab for NetWare is disabled if the print server is installed by JetAdmin (because JetAdmin creates print server objects in a different way than NetPilot). 14. Apple EtherTalk tab in the Installation wizard shows the default printer type read from the print server. LaserWriter is proposed if parameter is not set in the print server. This behavior is also valid for the Apple EtherTalk tab in "Network". 15. Now it is possible on the "Network" tab to specify the slot number that the print server should use when running in RPRINTER mode. 16. The new AXIS 570/100 Fast Ethernet print server can be managed via NetPilot 2.50. The TN3270E options are available on a separate "TN3270E" tab were all settings can be made. 17. In software versions later than 5.43 of the AXIS PrintPoint 140 BJC the LLOGIC and the OUTPUT parameter groups are deleted. As the 140 BJC does not support logical printer concept and the fastest possible port speed is selected for the BJC printers, these parameters were superfluous. 18. No further information. Solved problems --------------- 19. The problem could occur if NetPilot started to communicate with the box over NetBIOS after upgrade. This is not possible because NetBIOS was turned off. Now NetPilot re-activates the protocols over IPX/SPX. 20. Problem with communication error. Could appear when using the "Print Jobs" function on AXIS 540+/542+ (5.38, 5.41) and AXIS 150/152 (5.36). At the "Print Jobs" function activation NetPilot reports the "Error communicating with the Print Server during reading of account information". This could happen when no print jobs were logged. 21. Problem when installing to a bindery queue. In previous NetPilot versions the user was prompted for a user name and password. Even if giving the correct name and password, the user was prompted again. This is now solved. 22. Choosing to print the test page from the installation Wizard could give an error "could not print test page". It depended on insufficient rights for the client and the user is now informed with a pop-up message if not having the appropriate rights. 23. No further information. 24. NetPilot showed 3 NetWare printers (of which 2 are corrupt). Later it stated that the chosen name already exists and it cannot be installed. This only appeared on NT4 WS and is now solved. 25. Until now, when upgrading NetPilot to a newer version the content of the .ini and .log file was erased. This is not the case when upgrading to the 2.50 version of NetPilot. 26. AXIS 570/670 and MIO models only. On the "IBM printer driver format" tab the left and top margins can have a value ranging from -999 to 999. Before, NetPilot did not allow these parameter values to have negative values. This is now solved. 27. A small memory leak has been corrected causing NetPilot to consume memory when running several days without a restart. The problem was more obvious on a PC with less RAM or when scanning the network very often for print servers. The PC behaved very slow and it took long time to start other applications. 28. NetWare. Under certain circumstances NetPilot did not consider the alias as a valid volume. This problem is now solved. 29. The size of the text field is now adapted to the size of the used character font. 30. No further information. NetPilot can be used for Axis Print Server products with a software version greater than 5.00. 1. Hardware Requirements AXIS NetPilot requires a PC with a 386 or higher processor and at least 4MB memory. 2. Software Requirements AXIS NetPilot can be used with Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows NT and WinOS/2. The network support requirements are: * Windows: NetWare client and/or LAN Server/LAN Manager Workstation Service * Windows for Workgroups: NetWare client and/or Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) * Windows 95: NetWare client and/or Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) * Windows NT: NetWare client and/or Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) * WinOS/2: NetWare client and/or Microsoft Network (NetBIOS/NetBEUI) 3. DLLs required During the installation of the AXIS NetPilot the following DLLs will be placed in the AXIS NetPilot directory: CALWIN16.DLL CLNWIN16.DLL CLXWIN16.DLL LOCWIN16.DLL NCPWIN16.DLL NETWIN16.DLL NWIPXSPX.DLL PRTWIN16.DLL and PCTREE16.DLL (The old NWCALLS.DLL, NWIPXSPX.DLL, NWLOCALE.DLL, NWNET.DLL, NWPSRV.DLL will be removed from the AXIS NetPilot directory if they exist there.) The following DLL will be placed in the Windows/System directory (only if it does not exist already): CTL3DV2.DLL To run AXIS NetPilot without a NetWare client (i.e. using the NetBIOS/NetBEUI protocol), the NetWare DLLs should be in the AXIS NetPilot directory. If you have a NetWare client, the NetWare DLLs can be moved to the Windows/System directory to share them with other applications. Appendix B - SOFTWARE LIMITATIONS App B 1(1) Product involved: AXIS NetPilot Software version: 2.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Before uninstalling an Axis Network Print Server which has Remote Printer connections, the user should disconnect all Remote Printer connections using AXIS NetPilot. Otherwise, some information will not be removed from the NetWare File Server. 2. AXIS NetPilot can sometimes fail creating Print Server objects on a NetWare file server when running in Windows NT environment. Therefore the user should create the Print Server object using NWAdmin/PCONSOLE before AXIS NetPilot is used for creating connections. 3. Problems with NetWare Unicode tables. AXIS NetPilot fails to find the NetWare Unicode tables if they are not located in a directory in the local search path. Make sure your local search path includes the NLS sub-directory on SYS:PUBLIC or SYS:LOGIN. Note that a mapping to the *parent* directory is not enough, the path must include the NLS sub-directory. 4. Changing a Print Server's node address in NetPilot may cause problem for NetPilot finding the Print Server again. This is easily solved by restarting NetPilot. 5. To use NetWare Directory Services in NetPilot on Windows 95 with 'Microsoft Client for NetWare Networks with service for NDS', you must be logged in to the NDS tree (and in some cases also have the NetWare Administrator running). No such problems occurs when running Novell's NetWare Clients. 6. The white version of AXIS 560 print server "NPS 560" with software version 5.15 and the Specialix version of "NPS 530" with software version less than 5.21 are not supported by NetPilot, because they don't announce themselves properly. 7. After renaming the print server sometimes uploading the parameter list failed the second time due to faulty internal handling of the new print server name. A workaround is to make a refresh. 8. Running NetPilot on a PC with multiple network cards operating in the same segment in a NetBIOS environment can in some cases prevent NetPilot to find units on one network card. Microsofts knowledge base contains information indicating that this is known problem. 9. NetPilot will not correctly show Queues connected via NDS Printer Objects that are created with other tools (the Printer Objects names not following NetPilots naming conventions). They will function (print) correctly though. Appendix C - AFFECTED MATERIAL App C 1(1) Draft texts for manual updates: - Other: - Product involved: - Software version: - ----------------------------------------------------------------------