Flash loading of AXIS print servers via the parallel port Equipment needed * Compatible PC 286 - 486 640 Kbyte memory, DOS ver. 3.3 or newer * Flash load adapter set Flash loading cable (13816) and DSUB to Centronics adapter (13815) Loading software, loader.bin (needed for firmware revisions < 5.10) and npsload.exe 1 Power supply * Flash prom based print server product including power supply * File(s) with firmware to be loaded ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Depending on the firmware revision to be loaded different descriptions has to be followed: How to load firmware (revision < 5.10) -------------------------------------- The loading software consists of two parts, one bootstrap loader (loader.bin) and one program loader (npsload.exe) which should be placed in a directory together with the firmware files. Step by step description * Attach the flash loading cable to the PC. * Attach the power supply to the flash loading cable at the PC end. * Plug in the print server (LPT1) to the flash loading cable. * Attach the NPS power supply to the print server. * Start the loading sequence "npsload -x binary file" (x = lpt port). * For help run "npsload -h". How to monitor the loading procedure * When the loading is started, the network LED will start flashing with a rate of 2 Hz (loading time between 30 sec and 4 min). * The loader will consider itself completed and the led will flash with a rate of 0.5 Hz. * In case of error, the flashing rate will be 1 Hz (with the on period much longer than the off period). There will also be a message on the PC screen telling you if the loading was successful or not. How to load firmware revision 5.10 and later --------------------------------------------- Software revisions 5.10 and later are distributed as one single file with built in loading capabilities. This file is designed to be possible to load over the network. The parallel port load described here is only required if the network load has failed. Step by step description * Attach the flash loading cable to the PC. * Attach the power supply to the flash loading cable at the PC end. * Plug in the print server (LPT1) to the flash loading cable. * Attach the power supply to the print server. * Start the loading sequence with the DOS command: npsload -x -n "firmware file" (x = LPT port no.) Note! Do not forget the -n switch indicating that the firmware file has a built in loader. It is also possible to load the print server with the standard DOS copy command: copy /b "firmware file" LPTx (x = LPT port no.) Note! Do not forget the /b (for binary) switch in the copy command. There should be no printer definitions for the LPT port used. How to monitor the loading procedure * When the loading is started, the network LED will start flashing with a rate of 2 Hz (loading time between 30 sec and 4 min). * After a successful down load, the print server will automatically restart with the new firmware. If the NPSLOAD method is used there will also be a message on the PC screen telling you if the loading was successful or not. * In case of an error, the flashing rate will be 1 Hz (with the on period much longer than the off period). Note! The 5.10 firmware will, when used with NPSLOAD, give an incorrect error message (The error has been corrected in firmware versions > 5.10). To verify a correct download check the indicated number of downloaded bytes with the actual size of the file.