A trainer in front of a class

Study smart

The exam covers many different areas of network video, and thorough preparation is strongly recommended. For the best chance of success, follow the steps below. Note that you will need a MyAxis account to get access to our eLearning courses as well as instructor-led training. By the time you’re done, you’ll be an expert!

How to prepare

1. Check your knowledge

Start by taking these two eLearning courses to understand the knowledge level required for the exam and how exam questions are set up:

Knowledge check
This course contains questions covering the knowledge areas that the Axis Network Video Exam is based on. Feedback on your answers will be provided, so you can learn more.

Practice Test 
Are you ready to take the Axis Network Video Exam? Take this practice test and find out! 

2. Acquire knowledge

To best prepare for the exam, register for the Network video fundamentals course. It consists of eight eLearning modules and instructor-led training. 

3. Study the Technical guide

Familiarize yourself with the Technical guide to network video.

4. When you feel ready, move on to Get certified

It is time to book the exam with our test provider.


You need a MyAxis account to register for the courses.

Certification card next to a computer and cup of coffee

Already certified? 

Use our certification verification tool to verify your certification status and share it with employers and customers.