User service

User service guide

The user service is tightly coupled with the AccessControl service, and provides storage of user specific data. No events are available from this service. VAPIX® interface (/vapix/pacs).

Setting the user

The users from the user service will not be used by the door controller but is merely offered as a way to persistently store user data, e.g. a client may use it to present a name of a credential holder, instead of only a credential token. If to be compliant with AXIS entry manager, certain conventions must be followed, see Entry manager. Users is set by calling axudb:SetUser, and the following structure illustrates this:

  "User": [{
    "Name":"Name, User",
    "Description":"User description",
    "Attribute":[ {"type":"string",
          "Name":"First name",
          "Name":"Last name",
          "Value":"Name"} ]
  <axudb:User token="user_token1">
    <axudb:Name>Name, User</axudb:Name>
    <axudb:Description>User description</axudb:Description>
    <axudb:Attribute type="string" Name="First name" Value="User"/>
    <axudb:Attribute type="string" Name="Last name" Value="Name"/>

If the User in above example should be linked to the Credential, the User’s token should be inserted as UserToken in the Credential. The following example shows this (continued from section Setting the credential), where the change is marked in bold:

{"pacsaxis:SetCredential": {
  "Credential": [{
    "token": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
    "Description":"Credential description",
    "ValidFrom": "",
    "ValidTo": "",
    "IdData": [ {"Name":"Card",
          "Value":"1234"} ],
    "Attribute": [],
    "AuthenticationProfile": [],
    "CredentialAccessProfile": [ {
          "ValidFrom": "",
          "ValidTo": "",
    } ]
  <pacsaxis:Credential token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000">
    <pacsaxis:Description>Credential description</pacsaxis:Description>
    <pacsaxis:IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678"/>
    <pacsaxis:IdData Name="PIN" Value="1234"/>

By having the user linked to the credential, it is possible to retrieve the user with axudb:GetUserInfoByCredentialToken, as in the following example:

  {"CredentialToken": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000"}
{"UserInfo": [ {"token": "user_token1",
          "Name": "Name, User",
          "Description": "User description"} ]
  <axudb:UserInfo token="user_token1">
    <axudb:Name>Name, User</axudb:Name>
    <axudb:Description>User description</axudb:Description>

User service API

Service to manage users and their attributes etc.

This service offers commands to retrieve status information and to control user instances.

Service capabilities

ServiceCapabilities data structure

The capabilities of the user service. This structure can be extended with optional attributes.

The following fields are available:


The maximum number of entries returned by a single GetList request. The device shall never return more than this number of entities in a single response.

GetServiceCapabilities command

Get the capabilities of the User service.

GetServiceCapabilities command
GetServiceCapabilitiesAccess Class: PRE_AUTH
Message nameDescription
GetServiceCapabilitiesRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetServiceCapabilitiesResponseThis message contains:
  • "Capabilities": The capabilities.

axudb:ServiceCapabilities Capabilities [1][1] (extendable)

User information and configuration

UserInfo data structure

Information about a User.

The following fields are available:


A service-unique identifier of the User.


Name of user.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional field:


Description for the user.

User data structure

Representation of a user.

The following fields are available:


A service-unique identifier of the User.


Name of user.


List of attributes.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:


Description for the user.


For future extension.

GetUserInfoList command

This operation requests a list of all of UserInfo items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the DoorControl service shall implement this method.

The returned list shall start with the item specified by a StartReference parameter. If it is not specified by the client, the device shall return items starting from the beginning of the dataset.

StartReference is a device internal identifier used to continue fetching data from the last position, and shall allow a client to iterate over a large dataset in smaller chunks. The device shall be able to handle a reasonable number of different StartReference:s at the same time and they must live for a reasonable time so that clients are able to fetch complete datasets.

An ONVIF compliant client shall not make any assumptions on StartReference contents and shall always pass the value returned from a previous request to continue fetching data. Client shall not use the same reference more than once.

For example, the StartReference can be incrementing start position number or underlying database transaction identifier.

The returned NextStartReference shall be used as the StartReference parameter in successive calls, and may be changed by device in each call.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter. If Limit parameter is not specified by the client, the device shall assume it unbounded. The number of returned elements is determined by the device and may be less than requested if the device is limited in its resources.

GetUserInfoList Command
GetUserInfoListAccess Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetUserInfoListRequestThis message contains:
  • "Limit": Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, or higher than what the device supports, the number of items shall be determined by the device.

  • "StartReference": Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]

xs:string StartReference [0][1]

GetUserInfoListResponseThis message contains:
  • "NextStartReference": StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.

  • "UserInfo": List of UserInfo items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]

axudb:UserInfo UserInfo [0][unbounded]

Fault codesDescription


StartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client need to start fetching from the beginning.

GetUserInfo command

This operation request a list of UserInfo items matching the given tokens.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than the max limit supported, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned

GetUserInfo Command
GetUserInfoAccess Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetUserInfoRequestThis message contains:
  • "Token": Tokens of UserInfo items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]

GetUserInfoResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription


Too many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

GetUserList command

This operation requests a list of all of User items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the DoorControl service shall implement this method.

The returned list shall start with the item specified by a StartReference parameter. If it is not specified by the client, the device shall return items starting from the beginning of the dataset.

StartReference is a device internal identifier used to continue fetching data from the last position, and shall allow a client to iterate over a large dataset in smaller chunks. The device shall be able to handle a reasonable number of different StartReference:s at the same time and they must live for a reasonable time so that clients are able to fetch complete datasets.

An ONVIF compliant client shall not make any assumptions on StartReference contents and shall always pass the value returned from a previous request to continue fetching data. Client shall not use the same reference more than once.

For example, the StartReference can be incrementing start position number or underlying database transaction identifier.

The returned NextStartReference shall be used as the StartReference parameter in successive calls, and may be changed by device in each call.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter. If Limit parameter is not specified by the client, the device shall assume it unbounded. The number of returned elements is determined by the device and may be less than requested if the device is limited in its resources.

GetUserList Command
Message nameDescription
GetUserListRequestThis message contains:
  • "Limit": Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, or higher than what the device supports, the number of items shall be determined by the device.

  • "StartReference": Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]

xs:string StartReference [0][1]

GetUserListResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription


StartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client need to start fetching from the beginning.

GetUser command

This operation request a list of User items matching the given tokens.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than the max limit supported, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetUser Command
Message nameDescription
GetUserRequestThis message contains:
  • "Token": Tokens of User items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [0][unbounded]

GetUserResponseThis message contains:
  • "User": List of User items.

axudb:User User [0][unbounded]

Fault codesDescription


Too many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

SetUser command

Add/update a list of User items. Each User items contains the complete information about a User. If User:s with the specified tokens already exist, they will be updated. If not, they will be added. If the token field of any User is empty, the service will allocate a token for the User. All tokens are returned in the response.

SetUser Command
SetUserAccess Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetUserRequestThis message contains:
  • "User": The User:s to add/update.

axudb:User User [1][unbounded]

SetUserResponseThis message contains:
  • "Token": The tokens of the added/updated User:s.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [0][unbounded]

Fault codesDescription



RemoveUser command

Remove the specified User items.

RemoveUser command
RemoveUserAccess Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveUserRequestThis message contains:
  • "Token": Tokens of User:s to remove.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]

RemoveUserResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription


User not found.

GetUserInfoByCredentialToken command

Returns a list of UserInfo items for those users that match the specified CredentialToken.

GetUserInfoByCredentialToken command
GetUserInfoByCredentialTokenAccess Class: READ_SYSTEM_SENSITIVE
Message nameDescription
GetUserInfoByCredentialTokenRequestThis message contains:
  • "CredentialToken": The Credential to look up the users for.

pt:ReferenceToken CredentialToken [1][1] (extendable)

GetUserInfoByCredentialTokenResponseThis message contains:
  • "UserInfo": List of UserInfo items having the provided credential.

axudb:UserInfo UserInfo [0][unbounded] (extendable)

Fault codesDescription


User not found.