Safety21 and Axis: partners for a safer metropolitan city of Milan.
A smart solution integrating IP cameras with edge analytics for a 360° and active monitoring of the metropolitan city
Enhancing road safety is among the primary aims of the policies of the metropolitan city of Milan. As is known, accidents are one of the main causes of violent death and, being pedestrians the principal victims, they are considered as the first “vulnerable subjects” to protect. In this framework, approving proper regulations and introducing effective traffic violation detection systems are prerequisite conditions to implement policies of road safety risks prevention.
Therefore, the metropolitan city of Milan has promoted an integrated project of road safety to reduce accidents and safeguard “vulnerable subjects”, with the medium term goal of gradually reducing to zero road accident related deaths and fines.
In order to allow the metropolitan city of Milan to carry out an integrated project of road safety, Safety21 – market leader in the field of technology services for Public Bodies and Police Forces - suggested a mixed and integrated protection solution using Axis technology, complete with IP cameras with edge analytics and 360° cameras. All this was possible thanks to its range of advanced platforms and innovative outsourcing systems for the improvement of road safety standards. The investment and business risk related to this project are borne by the private subject. While the project’s cash flow deriving from the management and provision activity will ensure a financial return.

As a result of the collaboration between Axis and Safety21, the metropolitan city of Milan had the chance to enhance its road safety and to improve the observance of the rules with video-based management solutions. The metropolitan city, thanks to its partners, is now able to monitor the main roads connecting the towns on its territory, gathering real time information and thus simplifying the decisional process.
Axis solutions allow us not only to gather data and information in a wide range of situations – from detecting environmental crimes or determined events, such as rules violations or accidents in proximity of pedestrian crossings – but also to interact with our Titan® ecosystem to make operators life easier.
The IT system is based on the Titan® ecosystem, a proprietary platform Safety21 that, besides gathering data, ensures the transmission of alert notifications on the dashboard of the person in charge of the local police. Thus, operators receive immediate notification in case of criminal offence or anomaly of the detection system and, in case of accident, they are able to check videos and to take suitable countermeasures. Titan® is an Agid (Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, Agency for Digital Italy) certified solution and, in addition, allows to have complete control of the entire fine-related process, from the management of the IoT for the detection of violations, passing through all administrative procedures, to the collection – ordinary and coercive - of non-collected credits, in Italy and abroad.
We are always proud of having the chance to take part in this kind of operations contributing to the creation of the smart cities of the future, providing performing solutions which, above all, can be integrated in all our partners’ systems.
Why Axis met the needs of city of Milan
“The video surveillance solution with IP cameras we suggested was conceived and designed to meet mainly the client’s primary safety needs, as well as its necessity of reducing to zero environmental crimes. Being a holistic project, made up of an open and flexible system suitable for different cases of use and for addressing specific issues of the city, it can easily be developed in the future and be equipped with additional functionalities, in case new necessities related to public safety and to civic and road safety education aims arise,” said Andrea Sorri, Director, Axis Communications Business Development Smart City.
It was necessary to implement an integrated video surveillance system in order to arrange an integrated road safety system for the metropolitan city of Milan, especially for lay-bys, pedestrian crossings, detection of traffic light infringements and monitoring of speed limits.

In this case, a video surveillance system with intelligent image analytics - which is able to detect vehicles and people and their suspect behaviors - was adopted in order to secure lay-bys. While to ensure pedestrians’ security, crossings were equipped with a video surveillance system made up of 360° cameras and photocells. In addition, detectors were installed to record speeding cases instantly through a camera with a non-invasive laser sensor. While cameras and laser sensors are used to control that speed limits are observed. Finally, traffic monitoring and detection is carried out through an integrated system. “It’s a smart solution that immediately brought to a drastic reduction in fines and accidents”, states Gianluca Longo, Safety21 Group CEO.
The implementation of this mixed and completely integrated Axis-branded protection solution has brought several benefits, improving the efficiency of the protection system. Thanks to the professionalism of the partner Safety21 and the joint work with Axis, it was possible to design a project that completely met the client’s specific needs: a straightforward and integrated smart video surveillance solution to ensure the city of Milan more safety and better management.
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