Alarm call-outs reduced by more than 50%
Securitas add network speakers to perimeter security solutions on construction sites.
Many infrastructure companies’ sites and projects are located centrally in the cities, which makes them a natural target for intruders and vandalism. The Finnish construction company Kreate had problems with intruders entering its construction sites, especially in the evenings and at night.
Kreate requested an upgrade of its existing security system from its partner Securitas, to keep intruders at bay. Securitas commissioned the installation of Axis network speakers to complete the Kreate security system that consisted of existing surveillance cameras and alarms. AXIS C1310-E speakers are now connected to the perimeter protection of the construction sites and are activated automatically if anyone crosses the perimeter and trespasses, and a pre-recorded voice message is played.
"These speakers are easy to install. They provide a rapid response to alarms and are effective when it comes to scaring intruders away from the sites," says Rene Piiparinen, Solutions Manager at Securitas, who designed this voice solution. For Securitas, this means that there are significantly fewer call-outs for its guards every night. The speaker can also be used to instruct staff in emergency situations.
The number of call-outs has fallen dramatically. On average, we're seeing between a third and half as many call-outs as before.

Real-time IP based public address system
"This is a construction site and a protected area. It is now closed, please leave the area." This message comes from an Axis network speaker at a construction site in Finland, and it has shown to be effective in providing alerts and scaring off intruders. If the intruders fail to leave, an operator at an alarm center is alerted. The operator switches on a real-time public address system and informs that the intruders are being monitored on camera and that security guards and the police are on their way.
An open system
Rene Piiparinen highlights the open system as one of the primary advantages of Axis products and solutions."Integrating Axis products with other devices and products, even from other suppliers, is straightforward and easy. We also appreciate the range of features and analytics available, and it's easy to upgrade and add different features when we need them."
The advantages of Axis products and solutions are also emphasized from a longer-term perspective. "Axis is constantly developing products and features that can be integrated and updated with existing solutions and systems, making Axis products future proof" says Rene Piiparinen.
Long-term cooperation
Securitas has been an Axis partner for a long time and greatly appreciates the close and straightforward cooperation and communication. "It's easy to get in touch with people and obtain good support, both locally and from head office. We receive great training and documentation that we can share with our customers. We also appreciate having direct contact with Axis, with no middlemen," says Mika Aro.

Saves time and money
The speaker solution saves both time and money for security companies as guards do not have to physically go out every time an alarm is triggered from a security installation. Situations can often be handled remotely instead. Many intruders leave the scene when faced with the fact that they have been observed and caught on camera, and security guards and police are on their way.
For Kreate, this has reduced the risk of construction sites being vandalized and subject to theft, which can result in unwelcome disruptions and problems with ongoing work. Another advantage of the speaker solution is that it is mobile; as soon as a building project is completed, Securitas can move the security solution to another construction site. But Kreate is not the only company that has had problems with unauthorized visitors in the evenings and at night; Securitas has had Axis network speakers installed as part of security solutions for schools, restaurants, recycling companies, power stations and other businesses to enhance safety and security.
Both we and our customers are very pleased. I'm pleasantly surprised by how much more effective our security solutions are now when we've added Axis speakers.

One-stop-shop solutions
Rene Piiparinen has seen a general increase in demand for outdoor security systems in recent years. The aim is normally to deter intruders, not catch criminals. Moreover, there is a growing demand for solutions that are one-stop-shop, where customers want one point of contact. Demand is also growing for intelligence and analytics to be integrated into products.
"We're seeing more and more advanced features, which means that businesses, including ours, can act much more proactively in the event of intrusions and alerts," says Mika Aro.
Rene Piiparinen has some advice for businesses planning to install security solutions:
"Choose a supplier with a good reputation, good references and good people. Choosing a future-proof solution and looking at total cost of ownership from a long-term perspective, five years and beyond, is crucial."
About Kreate
One of the leading Finnish infrastructure construction companies, employ some 450 experts in construction. The 2019 turnover was approximately EUR 220 million. Kreate professionally deliver a wide range of infrastructure construction projects in any environment based on our solid, extensive expertise.
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