Toto školení vysvětluje, co je to analýza videa založená na umělé inteligenci, zabývá se běžnými mylnými představami a pokrývá řadu faktorů, které ovlivňují konečný výsledek.
Přečtěte si víceIn diesem Webinar werden wir mehr über die verschiedenen Komponenten von Axis Audio und die Kombinationen mit Video sprechen.
Mehr erfahrenLearn the basis of network audio and discover the possibilities of AXIS Audios Solutions with specific examples from typical projects.
Read moreDas Training führt Sie in das Thema Axis IP-Audio ein und zeigt Ihnen den effizienten Weg der Inbetriebnahme, Wartung und Pflege.
Mehr erfahrenApprenez les bases du réseau Audio et découvrez les possibilités d'AXIS Audio Solution avec des exemples concrets.
En découvrir plusAprenda os aspectos fundamentais de áudio em rede. Além disso, obtenha experiência prática conectando e configurando dispositivos da Axis.
Mais informaçõesAprenda los aspectos fundamentales del audio en red. Además, obtenga experiencia práctica conectando y configurando dispositivos de Axis.
Leer másThis course will give you an overview of Axis audio management software and how it can help you efficiently manage and control your network audio system, regardless of size and complexity. You will learn about the three software variants, their features and benefits, and when to choose which variant.
Read moreThis classroom-based course covers the essentials of network (IP) audio. We’ll explore topics like network basics, audio theory, audio-system design, and network-audio management through a combination of theory-based lessons and hands-on exercises.
Read moreAxis Network Audio Essentials je komplexní základní kurz o síťovém audiu. Toto školení je praktické - studenti získají přímé zkušenosti se síťovými audio reproduktory Axis a softwarem pro správu zvuku Axis. V první polovině kurzu se studenti naučí konfigurovat a provozovat síťová audio zařízení v samostatném režimu i v systému VMS. Zatímco v druhé polovině kurzu se studenti naučí plánovat, konfigurovat a provozovat systémy prostřednictvím aplikace AXIS Audio Manager Edge.
Přečtěte si víceAxis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.
Read moreAxis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.
Read moreAxis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.
Read moreAxis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.
Read moreTen oparty na zajęciach stacjonarnych kurs obejmuje podstawy sieciowego (IP) audio. Zbadamy takie tematy jak podstawy sieci, teoria audio, projektowanie systemów audio i zarządzanie systemem audio poprzez połączenie lekcji teoretycznych i ćwiczeń praktycznych.
Dowiedz się więcejApprenez les bases du réseau Audio et découvrez les possibilités d'AXIS Audio Solution avec des exemples concrets.
Read moreAprenda o conceito de áudio em rede e como ele melhora a segurança, proteção e eficiência operacional.
Mais informaçõesAprenda el concepto de audio en red y cómo mejora la seguridad, la protección y la eficiencia operativa.
Leer másIl y a longtemps que l'audio en réseau n'est plus utilisé uniquement que pour diffuser de la musique dans un magasin. Plusieurs applications d’utilisation typiques seront présentées au cours de ce webinaire.
En découvrir plusAu cours de ce webinaire, nous présenterons en détail les différents composants audio d'Axis et la manière de les combiner efficacement avec la vidéo.
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