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Webinaires - enregistrés

1ère partie: Introduction à l’IA

Le premier Webinaire propose une introduction au sujet de l’IA dans le monde de la vidéosurveillance, suivie d’une explication sur l’entraînement d’un réseau neuronal basée sur un exemple concret.

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Webinaires - enregistrés

2ème partie: Analyse en temps réel vs en différé

Dans la deuxième partie de cette série de webinaires, nous aborderons les avantages et les inconvénients de l'exécution d'applications d'analyse suivant son utilisation, ainsi que la différenciation des principaux cas d'utilisation à partir du temps de réponse et des actions entreprises.

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Webinaires - enregistrés

3ème partie: Technologie de détection et exemple d'analysed basée sur l'IA

La sélection, la combinaison des bonnes technologies de détection, l'analyse efficaces des données vidéo autant de sujets qui seront abordés dans ce dernier Webinaire.

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Educational videos
Network audio

Analog vs. digital audio

Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Arctic temperature control

Arctic temperature control thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video


Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Average bitrate

Average bitrate thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos

Axis Edge Vault

Axis Edge Vault 60 seconds thumbnail
Always available
Interactive apps
Network video

Compression: H.264 vs Zipstream

Always available

In this app, you can compare video compressed using standard H.264 with Axis Zipstream technology, a radically more efficient implementation of H.264. You can see how the bit rate varies depending on the Zipstream level set.

Educational videos


cybersequrity thumbnail
Always available
Network video

Data center defence with Axis

As data centers expand in size and become more complex, and as their locations spread to meet demand across the globe, how are they being protected from physical threats? In this course you will learn how to secure data centers from perimeter to server rack, how to sell in this space and the importance of TCO. 

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End-to-end solutions

Designing Axis-Genetec systems

This course provides an overview of AXIS Site Designer and Genetec Streamvault Calculator, and explains how they are beneficial when designing projects that involve Axis and Genetec solutions.

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Educational videos
Network video


emissivity thumbnail
Always available
Webinaires - enregistrés
Vidéo sur IP

EN 62676-4: Directives d’application pour la vidéosurveillance de sécurité

Présentation des principaux points d'exigences de la norme EN 62676-4, ainsi que des exigences opérationnelles liées. Cette norme représente un excellent outil de planification! Il y a quelque chose à gagner lors de ce webinaire - participez et laissez-vous surprendre!

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Interactive apps
Network video

Frame rate versus Shutter speed

Always available

This application allows you to change the frame rate and shutter speed of three sample videos. These two settings are important in understanding how they affect image quality.

Educational videos
Network video

Frame rate vs. shutter speed

Frame rate vs. shutter speed thumbnail
Always available
Network audio

Get to know AXIS Audio Manager family

This course will give you an overview of Axis audio management software and how it can help you efficiently manage and control your network audio system, regardless of size and complexity. You will learn about the three software variants, their features and benefits, and when to choose which variant.

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Get to know Axis body worn solutions

This course provides an overview of Axis body worn solutions. You will learn about the different solution components and how Axis body worn cameras are used. You’ll also explore AXIS Body Worn Live and learn about the graphical interface, device licensing, and how this cloud-based service enables video streaming with location data. 

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End-to-end solutions

Get to know AXIS Camera Station end-to-end solutions

Always available

Dig into a compelling case story featuring examples of how to design an AXIS Camera Station surveillance system from scratch.

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End-to-end solutions

Get to know AXIS Camera Station Pro

In this course we will discuss the features and benefits of AXIS Camera Station Pro. You will also learn how to upgrade AXIS Camera Station 5 to AXIS Camera Station Pro.

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End-to-end solutions

Get to know AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry

Always available

Learn the basic principles of operation using AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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Get to know AXIS Image Health Analytics

This course provides an overview of the AXIS Image Health Analytics application. Learn how to set up and configure the application and gain an understanding of the many benefits of this application. 

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Network audio

Get to know Axis network audio

Always available

This eLearning course introduces Axis network audio. The course starts with an overview of the Axis portfolio of audio solutions and then delves into the many business opportunities offered by these solutions.

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Network video

Get to know network technology

Always available

Learn about the basics of networking, including terminology and key concepts.

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Network video

Get to know panoramic cameras

Always available

Learn about different types of panoramic cameras, and how one camera plays the role of many.

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End-to-end solutions

Get to know the benefits of AXIS Camera Station

Always available

Learn the basics on how to frame and customize key selling-points when selling AXIS Camera Station end-to-end solutions.

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Network video

Get to know video encoding solutions

Always available

Learn the basics about video encoders, the Axis naming convention, and the various methods of displaying video.

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Educational videos
Network video

High resolutions

High resolutions thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Image noise

Image noise thumbnail
Always available
Network video

Introduction to ONVIF

This eLearning has been developed by ONVIF, and enables you to:- Explore how ONVIF enhances interoperability- Gain a deeper understanding of the different profiles and their practical applications- Recognize the importance of ONVIF conformance

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Educational videos
Network video


Jitter thumbnail
Always available
Network video

Knowledge check

Always available

Get feedback on answers to 25 quiz questions to find out if you should study more before taking the practice test, followed by the Axis Network Video Exam.

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Webinaires - programmés
Solutions complètes

La nouvelle génération d'AXIS Camera Station

Dans ce webinaire, vous obtiendrez un aperçu des nouvelles possibilités techniques, du nouveau modèle de licence et du processus de migration d'AXIS Camera Station.

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Educational videos
Network video


Multicasting thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network audio

Network audio

network audio thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Onboard cameras

Onboard cameras thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Panoramic cameras

Panoramic cameras thumbnail
Always available
Interactive apps
Network video

Pixel density

Always available

Pixel density is usually referred to as pixels per inch (PPI). The higher the PPI, the more detail you’ll find within the image. The Pixel Density application allows you to manipulate different parameters and learn how they affect pixel density.

Educational videos
Network video

Power over Ethernet

Power over Ethernet thumnail
Always available
Network video

Practice test

Always available

Answer 40 practice questions and learn what to expect when you take the Axis network video exam.

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Webinaires - enregistrés
Vidéo sur IP

Protection périmétrique évolutive pour les zones de haute sécurité. AXIS Perimeter Defender & caméras thermiques.

Dans ce webinaire, prenez connaissance des nouvelles fonctions d'analyse vidéo des caméras réseau Axis. Vous découvrirez également comment l'intelligence artificielle (IA) peut améliorer considérablement l'analytique.

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Network video

Quality beyond the data sheet

Always available

When comparing specifications for video surveillance cameras, certain important criteria are often overlooked for the more spectacular facts & figures found on most datasheets.

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Educational videos
System devices

Radar detection

radar detection thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Radar-video fusion

60 seconds thumbnail: Radar-video fusion
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Sensor size

Sensor size thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video


SIP thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Software Development Kits

Software Development Kits Thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

The focus assistant

The focus assistant thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Thermal imaging

Thermal imaging thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Thermometric cameras

Thermometric cameras 60 sec thumbnail
Always available
Network video

Total cost of ownership of surveillance systems

Always available

Our TCO (Total cost of ownership) studies show that on average 70% of the total cost of a surveillance system appear after purchase.

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Understand Axis body worn solutions

Always available

This online course introduces you to Axis body worn solutions. You will learn about the components involved and the accessories available and see what measures have been taken to ensure your solution remains secure and robust.

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End-to-end solutions

Understand Axis surveillance system scalability

Always available

Discover the strengths of Axis end-to-end solutions for surveillance, including video, audio and access control, and see how easily it can be scaled up.

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Understand video analytics optimization

Always available

Learn how to maximize the performance of your video analytics applications by making insightful choices when it comes to product selection, camera placement, maintenance and more.

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Interactive apps
Network video

Virtual light studio

Always available

A camera is only as good as the light available. In the Virtual Light Studio application above, you can see how different a scene do appear, depending on how much light there is, what type of light you're using and where you place your lighting.

Webinaires - enregistrés
Vidéo sur IP

Webinaire A&E Partner Pages

| Online

Découvrez les nouvelles pages partenaires A&E! Une brève introduction pour comprendre quelles informations sont mises à disposition, à quel endroit, et comment elles peuvent être téléchargées.

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Webinaires - enregistrés
Audio en réseau

Webinaire d’introduction aux solutions audio d’Axis Communications et cas d'utilisation


Il y a longtemps que l'audio en réseau n'est plus utilisé uniquement que pour diffuser de la musique dans un magasin. Plusieurs applications d’utilisation typiques seront présentées au cours de ce webinaire.

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Webinaires - programmés
Vidéo sur IP

Webinaire pour partenaires

 +2 | Online

Webinaires Axis destiné à nos partenaires travaillant sur les mises à jour de produits. Conseils techniques, astuces et informations sur les événements à venir.

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Webinaires - enregistrés
Audio en réseau

Webinaire sur les solutions audio d’Axis Communications

| Online

Au cours de ce webinaire, nous présenterons en détail les différents composants audio d'Axis et la manière de les combiner efficacement avec la vidéo.

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Webinaires - enregistrés
Vidéo sur IP

Webinar Axis Site Designer - Nouvelles fonctionnalités

| Online

Axis Site Designer est l'outil idéal pour planifier des installations de sécurité avec vidéo, audio, contrôle d'accès, etc. Ce webinaire présente les nouvelles fonctions qui ont été récemment ajoutées à l'outil.

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Educational videos
Network video

Wide dynamic range (WDR)

WDR Thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video


Zipstream thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Zipstream for PTZ

Zipstream for PTZ thumnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Zipstream storage profile

Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Zone/Division 1 cameras

Zone/Division 1 cameras thumbnail
Always available
Educational videos
Network video

Zone/Division 2 cameras

Always available