Whether you work in the field, sales, or support, knowledge is power. The world of network video is vast and constantly evolving. No matter your role on the team, education helps you spend your time and resources more efficiently.
Network Video Fundamentals provides foundational knowledge and hands-on experience with network video. It is a comprehensive course that spans topics such as device types, storage and bandwidth, system design, installation, integration, troubleshooting, and more.
In this instructor-led course students will complete 4 hours of online pre-work prior to attending the 3 day classroom experience. In class, students will take part in over 40 hands-on exercises with Axis products.
On the final day of the classroom course, students will have the opportunity to prepare for the Axis Certification Exam before taking the exam on their own time and qualify as an Axis Certified Professional.
This course is a package of two courses:
Format: Classroom
Length: 3 days
Price: 200 USD
Security professionals who want to gain foundation knowledge and hands-on experience in network video, and prepare to become an Axis Certified Professional.
To fully optimise your training experience, you are required to take the following eLearning courses before attending the class:
Read the Terms & Conditions here.
Log into your MyAxis account to enroll in the classes.
Please log in using your official company email id.
An invoice will be sent to you a week after registration closes.
Your registration will be confirmed upon submission of payment receipt.
Visit your Local Academy page for more information.