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강사 주도 교육(대면 또는 가상) 및 웹 세미나의 경우 먼저 국가/지역을 선택하십시오.
학습 진도 0
Instructor-led training
Network audio

AI-based video analytics

Více | Czech Republic

Toto školení vysvětluje, co je to analýza videa založená na umělé inteligenci, zabývá se běžnými mylnými představami a pokrývá řadu faktorů, které ovlivňují konečný výsledek.

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Netzwerk-Video-Grundlagen (Krefeld)

| Krefeld

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren
Instructor-led training
Network video

Advanced Camera Configuration A

| Online

This course is an advanced course that provides you with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in configuring Axis network cameras.

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Virtual instructor-led training

AI-based video analytics

This virtual instructor-led training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

AI-based video analytics

Multiple | Croatia

This training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

AI-based video analytics

Multiple | Romania

This training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

AI-based video analytics

Multiple | Poland

This training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Funkcje analizy

AI-based video analytics


To szkolenie wyjaśnia, na czym polega analiza wideo oparta na sztucznej inteligencji, mierzy się  z powszechnymi nieporozumieniami i obejmuje szereg czynników, które wpływają na wynik końcowy analizy.

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Instructor-led training

AI-based video analytics

Multiple | Czech Republic

This training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur

Analyses vidéo basée sur l'IA

Cette formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur explique ce que sont les analyses vidéo basées sur l'Intelligence Artificielle.

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Webinars - recorded

Automatic License Plate Recognition, solutions and integrations


In this webinar you will learn, which solution can be offered from Axis Communications with AXIS License Plate Verifier. But also, with the use of FF Groups software with and on AXIS’s cameras.

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Webinare – aufgezeichnet

Automatische Kennzeichenerkennung, Lösungen und Integrationen


In diesem Webinar erfahren Sie, welche Lösung Axis mit dem AXIS License Plate Verifier bietet. Desweiteren erfahren Sie,  welche Möglichkeiten Sie mit der Software der FF Group haben.

Mehr erfahren
Virtual instructor-led training
Network audio

Axis Audio Training

Learn the basis of network audio and discover the possibilities of AXIS Audios Solutions with specific examples from typical projects.

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Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Audio en réseau

Axis Audio Training

Apprenez les bases du réseau Audio et découvrez les possibilités d'AXIS Audio Solution avec des exemples concrets.

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AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Frankfurt)

| Frankfurt

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von Axis Camera Station 5 in der Praxis befasst.

Mehr erfahren

AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Ismaning)

 +1 | Ismaning

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von AXIS Camera Station Pro in der Praxis befasst.

Mehr erfahren

AXIS Camera Station Advanced (Krefeld)

| Krefeld

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von Axis Camera Station 5 in der Praxis befasst.

Mehr erfahren
Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Essentials

Customised dates | Southeast Asia

Work hands-on with domes, PTZs, intercoms and speakers to gain experience with the installation, configuration, operation and troubleshooting of AXIS Camera Station systems.

자세히 알아보기
Virtual instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Více možností

Tento kurz se zabývá návrhem, instalací, provozem a správou síťového dohledového systému pomocí aplikace AXIS Camera Station spolu se sadou AXIS Camera Station Integrator Su

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Multiple choices | Czech Republic

This course that covers how to design, install, operate and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station together with AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite. 

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Multiple choices | Croatia

This course that covers how to design, install, operate and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station together with AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Multiple choices | Poland

This course that covers how to design, install, operate and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station together with AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Multiple choices | Romania

This course that covers how to design, install, operate and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station together with AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Kompleksowe rozwiązania

AXIS Camera Station for professionals

Wiele opcji | Polska

Dowiedz się, jak zaprojektować, zainstalować, i zarządzać systemem dozoru wideo przy użyciu AXIS Camera Station i AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Více možností

Tento kurz se zabývá návrhem, instalací, provozem a správou síťového kamerového systému pomocí aplikace AXIS Camera Station spolu se sadou AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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AXIS Camera Station Grundlagen (Ismaning)

 +1 | Ismaning

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit AXIS Camera Station und AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite ein Videosicherheitssystem entwerfen, installieren, betreiben und verwalten.

Mehr erfahren

AXIS Camera Station Grundlagen (Krefeld)

| Krefeld

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit AXIS Camera Station und AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite ein Videosicherheitssystem entwerfen, installieren, betreiben und verwalten.

Mehr erfahren
Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Multiple choices | Czech Republic

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials is a comprehensive course that expands on the knowledge obtained during the AXIS Camera Station for Professionals course. 

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Multiple choices | Croatia

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials is a comprehensive course that expands on the knowledge obtained during the AXIS Camera Station for Professionals course. 

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Multiple choices | Poland

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials is a comprehensive course that expands on the knowledge obtained during the AXIS Camera Station for Professionals course.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Multiple choices | Romania

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials is a comprehensive course that expands on the knowledge obtained during the AXIS Camera Station for Professionals course. 

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Více možností

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials – komplexní kurz rozšiřující znalosti získané v kurzu AXIS Camera Station pro profesionály. Kurz se skládá z přednášky a praktického cvičení, jehož součástí je práce s jednotlivými nástroji pro kontrolu přístupu – od čtečky karet, přes interkomy až po kameru snímající registrační značky vozidel. 

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Kompleksowe rozwiązania

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Wiele opcji | Polska

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials to kompleksowy kurs, który rozszerza wiedzę zdobytą podczas kursu AXIS Camera Station for Professionals.

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Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Solutions complètes

AXIS Camera Station: Formation avancée (Bussigny)

| Bussigny

Il s'agit d'une formation de mise à niveau qui aborde les possibilités étendues d'AXIS Camera Station Pro en pratique.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Axis Network Audio Essentials

Southeast Asia

Gain firsthand experience with Axis network audio. You will learn how to install, configure, and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as with network cameras.

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Virtual instructor-led training
System devices

Axis Optimizer for Milestone XProtect

The aim of the training is to learn about the integration and configuration of Axis Optimizer for Milestone XProtect. The software extension offers a variety of benefits in the maintenance and application of Axis network video cameras and Axis network audio devices.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Multiple | Romania

This course will teach you basic on radar technology, perimeter protection, what to consider when designing a perimeter protection system, as well as the pros and cons of thermal cameras vs. optical cameras in the perimeter. Through demos and exercises, you will learn about security radars and applicable radar technology, how to use the analytics apps AXIS Perimeter Defender for intrusion detection along with the add-on AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Více | Czech Republic

V tomto kurzu se dozvíte základní informace o radarové technologii, ochraně perimetru, o tom, co je třeba zvážit při navrhování systému ochrany perimetru, a také o výhodách a nevýhodách termokamer a optických kamer v perimetru. Prostřednictvím ukázek a cvičení se dozvíte o bezpečnostních radarech a použitelné radarové technologii, jak používat analytické aplikace AXIS Perimeter Defender pro detekci narušení spolu s doplňkem AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Multiple | Czech Republic

This course will teach you basic on radar technology, perimeter protection, what to consider when designing a perimeter protection system, as well as the pros and cons of thermal cameras vs. optical cameras in the perimeter. Through demos and exercises, you will learn about security radars and applicable radar technology, how to use the analytics apps AXIS Perimeter Defender for intrusion detection along with the add-on AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Multiple | Croatia

This course will teach you basic on radar technology, perimeter protection, what to consider when designing a perimeter protection system, as well as the pros and cons of thermal cameras vs. optical cameras in the perimeter. Through demos and exercises, you will learn about security radars and applicable radar technology, how to use the analytics apps AXIS Perimeter Defender for intrusion detection along with the add-on AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Kompleksowe rozwiązania

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection


Ten oparty na zajęciach stacjonarnych kurs nauczy Cię podstaw ochrony obwodowej - co należy wziąć pod uwagę przy projektowaniu systemu ochrony obwodowej, a także zalety i wady kamer termowizyjnych w porównaniu z kamerami optycznymi stosowanymi na obwodzie oraz rozwiązaniami radarowymi. Dzięki demonstracjom i ćwiczeniom dowiesz się, jak korzystać z aplikacji analitycznych takich jak AXIS Perimeter Defender i Axis Object Analytics do wykrywania włamań. Zrozumiesz zasady działania radarów Axis a także będzie potrafił wykorzystać analityki do sterowania kamerami PTZ. 

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Multiple | Poland

This course will teach you basic on radar technology, perimeter protection, what to consider when designing a perimeter protection system, as well as the pros and cons of thermal cameras vs. optical cameras in the perimeter. Through demos and exercises, you will learn about security radars and applicable radar technology, how to use the analytics apps AXIS Perimeter Defender for intrusion detection along with the add-on AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Virtual instructor-led training

AXIS Perimeter Defender

Multiple | Online

This Virtual classroom course covers how to protect the perimeter of a site with AXIS Perimeter Defender. You will learn to design a system, choose the best camera and detect intrusion.

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Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore

AXIS Perimeter Defender - Roma

Nov 8, 2023 | Fast Lane Via Mosca, 45, 00142 Roma RM

Questo corso in aula spiega come proteggere il perimetro di un sito con AXIS Perimeter Defender.

Scopri di più
Online-Schulung mit Trainer

AXIS Site Designer Training

Verschaffen Sie sich schnell und effizient einen Einblick über die Möglichkeiten Videoüberwachung-, Audio- und Zutrittslösungen mit Axis Komponenten in AXIS Site Designer 2 zu planen.

Mehr erfahren
Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Building end-to-end solutions with AXIS Camera Station

Use AXIS Camera Station as the VMS and integrate it with speakers for security purposes. Set up the access control using AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor

Ciberseguridad en práctica

Bajo demanda | España

Este curso le brinda una introducción a la ciberseguridad en su aplicación a los sistemas de vídeo en red. Explore cómo se aplican los principios relevantes de gestión de riesgos, así como en AXIS Device Manager. 

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Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Concevoir des solutions de vidéosurveillance en réseau

Vous apprendrez la conception de solutions vidéo via notre site Axis Designer. Vous allez recevoir les connaissances théoriques sur le sujet puis vous pourrez vous entrainer grâce à un exercice pratique complet.

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Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Configuration avancée des caméras

| France

La formation enseigne les techniques de configuration avancée des caméras, y compris la gestion des caméras, l’optimisation des images, la compression et l’intégration des caméras.

Dates et villes disponibles
Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Soluções fim a fim

Construindo soluções ponta a ponta com AXIS Camera Station

Projete soluções ponta a ponta Axis. Use o AXIS Camera Station como o VMS e faça com que ele se comunique com os alto-falantes para fins de segurança e proteção. Configure o controle de acesso usando o AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Soluciones integrales

Creación de soluciones integrales con AXIS Camera Station

Diseñe soluciones integrales (end-to-end). Utilice AXIS Camera Station como VMS y haga que se comunique con los altavoces por motivos de seguridad y protección. Configure el control de acceso mediante AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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Virtual instructor-led training

Cybersecurity in practice (Virtual)

TBD | Online

Get an overview of cybersecurity as applied to network video systems, including risk management and hardening procedures using the product software and AXIS Device Manager.

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Webinare – aufgezeichnet

Der Lösungsansatz von Axis zur Cybersicherheit

| Online

Der Umgang und das Reduzieren von Cyberrisiken in Ihrem Videoüberwachungssystemen.

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Virtual instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Discover AXIS Site Designer

This classroom teaches you to create great projects with AXIS Site Designer. It provides a walk-through of the tool and a work-flow to follow when designing projects.

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Virtual instructor-led training

Discover Axis Wearables

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

Discover the many benefits and possibilities of Axis body worn solutions including the software and hardware components involved as well as the supported use cases. 

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Discover Network Video Design


In this virtual classroom, you’ll learn about the important aspects of designing network video solutions and how to design a system using AXIS Site Designer.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | United Kingdom and Irealn

In this blended learning training, you’ll learn about the important aspects of designing network video solutions and how to design a system using AXIS Site Designer.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Nordic countries

This training provides a solid foundation for designing network video solutions. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises.

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Mixte (mélange de formats)
Vidéo sur IP

Fondements de la vidéo sur IP

| France

La formation NVF couvre les notions de base de la vidéo sur IP à travers une approche théorique et pratique, intégrant l’installation et le paramétrage des caméras Axis.

Dates et villes disponibles
Formation virtuelle dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Formation de base sur la vidéosurveillance en réseau

Apprenez les aspects fondamentaux de la vidéosurveillance en réseau. Vous pourrez également acquérir une expérience pratique en connectant et en configurant les produits Axis.

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Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Formation de base sur la vidéosurveillance en réseau (Bussigny)

| Bussigny

Apprenez les aspects fondamentaux de la vidéosurveillance en réseau. Vous pourrez également acquérir une expérience pratique en connectant et en configurant les produits Axis.

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Misturado (mistura de formatos)
Vídeo em rede

Fundamentos da tecnologia de vídeo em rede

5 novembro | Portugal

Aprenda sobre os aspectos fundamentais da tecnologia de videomonitoramento em rede e adquira experiência prática, conectando e configurando produtos Axis.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Áudio em rede

Fundamentos de áudio em rede

Algumas sessões | Brasil

Aprenda os aspectos fundamentais de áudio em rede. Além disso, obtenha experiência prática conectando e configurando dispositivos da Axis.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Fundamentos de vídeo em rede

Aprenda os conceitos para destacar-se em soluções de videomonitoramento em rede e ponha-os em prática conectando e configurando produtos Axis.

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Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Fundamentos de vídeo em rede (virtual)

Aprenda os conceitos para destacar-se em soluções de videomonitoramento em rede e ponha-os em prática conectando e configurando produtos Axis.

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Combinado (mezcla de formatos)
Vídeo en red

Fundamentos de vídeo en red

6 marzo | España

Aprenda los aspectos fundamentales de la videovigilancia en red. Obtenga experiencia práctica conectando y configurando productos Axis.

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Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Fundamentos de video en red (virtual)

En este curso virtual aprenderá a configurar, operar y solucionar problemas de cámaras de red con la ayuda de 50 demostraciones y ejemplos reales de conceptos fundamentales.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Audio en red

Fundamentos del audio en red

Algunas sesiones | Latinoamérica

Aprenda los aspectos fundamentales del audio en red. Además, obtenga experiencia práctica conectando y configurando dispositivos de Axis.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Fundamentos del video en red

Aprende aspectos fundamentales de la videovigilancia en red. Obtenga también experiencia práctica conectando y configurando productos Axis.

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네트워크 비디오

Axis 네트워크 카메라 제품 이름 규칙

항상 이용 가능

Axis 제품의 표준화된 이름에서 제품 사양을 추출하는 방법에 대한 주요 원칙을 알아봅니다.

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네트워크 비디오

Axis 네트워크 카메라 제품 유형

항상 이용 가능

다양한 유형의 Axis 네트워크 카메라 및 다각적인 고객 감시 요건을 해결하는 방법을 알아봅니다.

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사이버 보안

사이버 보안

항상 이용 가능

네트워크 비디오 시스템에 적용되는 사이버 보안 주제에 대한 간략한 소개입니다

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네트워크 비디오

응용 이미지 품질

항시 이용 가능

최적의 성능을 위해 카메라를 선택 및 설정할 수 있도록 감시에 적용되는 이미지 품질을 알아봅니다.

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네트워크 비디오

조명, 카메라, 액션!

항상 이용 가능

필요한 비디오 품질을 얻기 위해 감시 네트워크에 조명을 설치하는 이유, 시기 및 방법을 알아봅니다.

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네트워크 비디오

네트워크 기술 소개

항상 이용 가능

용어 및 주요 개념을 포함하는 네트워킹의 기본 사항을 알아봅니다.

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네트워크 비디오

비디오 엔코딩 솔루션

항상 이용 가능

비디오 엔코더, Axis 제품 이름 규칙 및 영상을 표시하는 다양한 방법에 대한 기본 정보를 학습합니다.

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Instructor-led training
System devices

Installation best practices (in-classroom)

Learn the key aspects to ensure success in installations and avoid issues.

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Virtual instructor-led training
System devices

Installation best practices (virtual)

Learn the key aspects to ensure success in installations and avoid issues.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Dispositivos del sistema

Mejores prácticas de instalación (presencial)

Aprenda los aspectos clave para garantizar el éxito en las instalaciones y evitar problemas.

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Formación virtual dirigida por un instructor
Dispositivos del sistema

Mejores prácticas de instalación (virtual)

Aprenda los aspectos clave para garantizar el éxito en las instalaciones y evitar problemas.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Dispositivos do sistema

Melhores práticas de instalação (presencial)

Aprenda os aspectos chave para garantir sucesso nas instalações e evitar problemas.

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Treinamento virtual ministrado por instrutor
Dispositivos do sistema

Melhores práticas de instalação (virtual)

Aprenda os aspectos chave para garantir sucesso nas instalações e evitar problemas.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network Audio Essentials

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

Discover the many benefits and possibilities with Axis network audio and learn how to plan, install, integrate, and manage Axis network audio systems. 

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Více | Czech Republic

Axis Network Audio Essentials je komplexní základní kurz o síťovém audiu. Toto školení je praktické - studenti získají přímé zkušenosti se síťovými audio reproduktory Axis a softwarem pro správu zvuku Axis. V první polovině kurzu se studenti naučí konfigurovat a provozovat síťová audio zařízení v samostatném režimu i v systému VMS. Zatímco v druhé polovině kurzu se studenti naučí plánovat, konfigurovat a provozovat systémy prostřednictvím aplikace AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Multiple | Czech Republic

Axis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Multiple | Romania

Axis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Multiple | Poland

Axis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Multiple | Croatia

Axis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Sieciowe systemy audio

Network audio essentials


Ten oparty na zajęciach stacjonarnych kurs obejmuje podstawy sieciowego (IP) audio. Zbadamy takie tematy jak podstawy sieci, teoria audio, projektowanie systemów audio i zarządzanie systemem audio poprzez połączenie lekcji teoretycznych i ćwiczeń praktycznych.

Dowiedz się więcej
Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio fundamentals

Some sessions | The Caribbean

Learn fundamental aspects of network audio. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis devices.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Bude rozhodnuto

Tento kurz v učebně vás důkladně seznámí se síťovým videodohledem. Kurz obsahuje kombinaci teoretických prezentací a praktických cvičení. V rámci cvičení se naučíte připojovat a konfigurovat produkty Axis.

Přečtěte si více
Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Przesyłanie wideo w sieci

Network Video Fundamentals


Ten dwudniowy kurs stacjonarny stanowi solidne wprowadzenie do tematyki sieciowego dozoru wizyjnego. Składa się z prezentacji teorii i ćwiczeń praktycznych. 

Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choices | Croatia

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choices | Poland

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choice | Romania

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choice | Czech Republic

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

| Hong Kong

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products. For system integrators and installers in the network video surveillance industry.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products. Afterwards, there is a virtual help session, giving you the opportunity to review the most relevant topics and ask questions.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Network Video Fundamentals gives you the opportunity to learn many disciplines from system design to configuration and installation as well as troubleshooting.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals

This 2-day course covers the basics of network video. Topics such as basic camera installation, usability, image optimization and video analysis will be discussed.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals

| Bratislava, SK

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products. For system integrators and installers in the network video surveillance industry.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals & Certification

Many dates | United States

In this course you will learn how to configure, operate and troubleshoot network cameras. Hands-on exercises with domes, fixed cameras, PTZs, thermals and multisensors will be completed.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals & Certification

Many occasions | Mumbai

In this instructor-led training, learn the theory of network video surveillance and get hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Multiple choice | Czech Republic

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. It is based on a blended learning concept, where the theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)


Tento kurz vás důkladně seznámí s problematikou síťového video dohledu. Je založen na konceptu kombinované výuky, kdy je teorie prezentována v řadě e-learningových modulů (pro samostudium), zatímco praktická cvičení probíhají v učebně. Ve cvičeních se naučíte, jak připojit a konfigurovat produkty Axis.

Přečtěte si více
Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Více | Czech Republic

Tento kurz vás důkladně seznámí s problematikou síťového video dohledu. Je založen na konceptu kombinované výuky, kdy je teorie prezentována v řadě e-learningových modulů (pro samostudium), zatímco praktická cvičení probíhají v učebně. Ve cvičeních se naučíte, jak připojit a konfigurovat produkty Axis.

Přečtěte si více
Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Multiple choices | Poland

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. It is based on a blended learning concept, where the theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Multiple choices | Croatia

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. It is based on a blended learning concept, where the theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Mieszane (różne formaty)
Przesyłanie wideo w sieci

Network video fundamentals (Blended)


Kurs ten stanowi solidne wprowadzenie do sieciowego dozoru wideo. Opiera się na koncepcji blended learning, w której teoria jest prezentowana w szeregu modułów e-learningowych (do samodzielnej nauki), a ćwiczenia praktyczne odbywają się w klasie. Podczas ćwiczeń nauczysz się podłączać i konfigurować produkty Axis.

Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Blended)

Multiple choices | Romania

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. It is based on a blended learning concept, where the theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Blended (mix of formats)
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals (Blended) - Nordic

Multiple | Nordic countries

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals (Rotterdam)

 +1 | Rotterdam

Learn all about the essential aspects of network video surveillance and gain hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals - Nordics

Multiple | Nordic Countries

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Online-Schulung mit Trainer



Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der IP-Videosicherheit kennen und sammeln Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten.

Mehr erfahren

Netzwerk-Video-Grundlagen (Frankfurt)

| Frankfurt

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren

Netzwerk-Video-Grundlagen (Ismaning)

 +1 | Ismaning

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren

Netzwerk-Video-Grundlagen (Stuttgart)

| Stuttgart

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren
Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Audio en réseau

Notions de base de l’audio IP

| France

Apprenez les bases du réseau Audio et découvrez les possibilités d'AXIS Audio Solution avec des exemples concrets. 

자세히 알아보기
Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore
Soluzioni end-to-end

Progettazione delle soluzioni video di rete - Firenze

| Forte Hospitality - via Colle Ramole, 20 - 50023 - Impruneta (FI)

Design Network Video Solutions è il corso dedicato a chi progetta e a chi sviluppa una sistema di videosorveglianza professionale.

Scopri di più
Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore
Soluzioni end-to-end

Progettazione delle soluzioni video di rete - Milano

| Axis Communications - Via del Mulino, 1/U10, 20090 - Milano - IT

Design Network Video Solutions è il corso dedicato a chi progetta e a chi sviluppa una sistema di videosorveglianza professionale.

Scopri di più
Virtual instructor-led training
System devices

Security radars in practice

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

Through multiple use cases in this virtual classroom you will explore different radar implementations in a variety of surveillance systems.

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Webinare – geplant

The Power of One goes beyond Video

| Online

In diesem Webinar erörtern wir, was wir bei Axis unter einer integrierten Schnittstelle verstehen und wie man eine kombinierte Video-Zutrittskontrolllösung aufbaut. Dabei sind verschiedene Varianten möglich, wobei die einzelnen Komponenten besprochen werden.

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네트워크 비디오

Axis 제품과 광섬유

항시 이용 가능

광섬유가 Axis 제품을 구동하는 인프라에 필수적인 이유와 시스템 설계에 미치는 영향을 알아봅니다.

자세히 알아보기
Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Virtual Network Video Fundamentals

Network Video Fundamentals (virtual) gives you the opportunity to learn many disciplines from system design to configuration, installation and troubleshooting.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Virtual network video fundamentals

In this virtual course you will learn how to configure, operate, and troubleshoot network cameras with the help of 50 demonstrations and real-world examples of fundamentals concepts.

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Virtual instructor-led training
Network video

Virtual Network video fundamentals

| Virtual

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance, as well as how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Обучение под руководством инструктора
Сетевое видео

Основы сетевого видеонаблюдения

Изучите фундаментальные аспекты сетевого видеонаблюдения. Получите опыт запуска и конфигурирования продуктов Axis. Для системных интеграторов и инсталляторов.


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