Learning portal

This is the gateway to all the learning resources that Axis Communications Academy offers for building your expertise – from training to webinars, to articles, videos, and more, you'll find it here.
For instructor-led training (in-person or virtual) and webinars, select your country/region first.
Learning formats 0
Instructor-led training
Network audio

AI-based video analytics

Více | Czech Republic

Toto školení vysvětluje, co je to analýza videa založená na umělé inteligenci, zabývá se běžnými mylnými představami a pokrývá řadu faktorů, které ovlivňují konečný výsledek.

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Instructor-led training
Network intercoms

2N essentials

Many dates | United States

2N essentials is a one-day, hands-on training on the installation, configuration, and operation of 2N devices.

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Instructor-led training
Network intercoms

2N Essentials

Many dates | Southeast Asia

2N essentials is a one-day, hands-on training on the installation, configuration, and operation of 2N devices.

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Instructor-led training
Network intercoms

2N Intercom with secure access control solution

| Hong Kong

Discover how 2N intercoms can improve security by providing efficient features and communications when controlling access.

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Instructor-led training

Advanced Camera Configuration

Many dates | Southeast Asia

Learn about advanced camera configuration techniques that will help you take full advantage of your network cameras.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

AI-based video analytics

Multiple | Croatia

This training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

AI-based video analytics

Multiple | Romania

This training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

AI-based video analytics

Multiple | Poland

This training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Funkcje analizy

AI-based video analytics


To szkolenie wyjaśnia, na czym polega analiza wideo oparta na sztucznej inteligencji, mierzy się  z powszechnymi nieporozumieniami i obejmuje szereg czynników, które wpływają na wynik końcowy analizy.

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Instructor-led training

AI-based video analytics

Multiple | Czech Republic

This training explains what AI-based video analytics are about, deals with common misconceptions, and covers a range of factors that influence the end result.

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Instructor-led training

AI-based video analytics and AXIS Object Analytics

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

Learn the fundamentals of AI-based video analytics and AXIS Object Analytics.

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Instructor-led training

AI-based video analytics and AXIS object analytics

Multiple | Nordic countries

Learn the fundamentals of AI-based video analytics and AXIS Object Analytics.

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Instructor-led training

AI-based video analytics and AXIS Object Analytics

Many dates | Southeast Asia

Learn the fundamentals of AI-based video analytics and AXIS Object Analytics.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor

Análise de vídeo baseada em IA, AOA e integração via MQTT

28 janeiro | 12 março | Portugal

Aprofunde-se na análise de vídeo baseada em IA, no AXIS Object Analytics, o aplicativo de análise de vídeo no dispositivo, bem como na integração MQTT com AOA e outras plataformas.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor

Análisis de vídeo basado en IA, AOA e integración via MQTT

20 marzo | España

Profundice en el análisis de vídeo basado en IA, AXIS Object Analytics, la aplicación de análisis de vídeo en el propio dispositivo, así como la integración de MQTT con AOA y otras plataformas.

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Instructor-led training

Analytics for security and safety overview

Discover how Axis analytics help improve security and safety by enabling appropriate actions to be taken without delays.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Axis Audio Solutions

| Bangalore, India

Take a deep dive into AXIS Audio product solutions and familiarize yourself with AXIS audio software .

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AXIS Camera Station Advanced

 +3 | Ismaning, Krefeld, Hamburg

Dies ist eine Aufbauschulung, die sich mit den erweiterten Möglichkeiten von AXIS Camera Station Pro in der Praxis befasst.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Advanced

| Rotterdam

This is an advanced training course that covers the advanced capabilities of AXIS Camera Station Pro in practice.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Essentials

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

In this instructor-led training you’ll learn how to design, install, operate, and manage a video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station and AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite. 

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Essentials

Customised dates | Southeast Asia

Work hands-on with domes, PTZs, intercoms and speakers to gain experience with the installation, configuration, operation and troubleshooting of AXIS Camera Station systems.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Multiple choices | Romania

This course that covers how to design, install, operate and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station together with AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Více možností

Tento kurz se zabývá návrhem, instalací, provozem a správou síťového kamerového systému pomocí aplikace AXIS Camera Station spolu se sadou AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Multiple choices | Czech Republic

This course that covers how to design, install, operate and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station together with AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite. 

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Kompleksowe rozwiązania

AXIS Camera Station for professionals

Wiele opcji | Polska

Dowiedz się, jak zaprojektować, zainstalować, i zarządzać systemem dozoru wideo przy użyciu AXIS Camera Station i AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Multiple choices | Croatia

This course that covers how to design, install, operate and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station together with AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station for Professionals

Multiple choices | Poland

This course that covers how to design, install, operate and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station together with AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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AXIS Camera Station Grundlagen

 +3 | Ismaning, Krefeld, Frankfurt

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit AXIS Camera Station und AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite ein Videosicherheitssystem entwerfen, installieren, betreiben und verwalten.

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AXIS Camera Station Grundlagen

| Mägenwil

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit AXIS Camera Station und AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite ein Videosicherheitssystem entwerfen, installieren, betreiben und verwalten

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Pro essentials

Many dates | United States

AXIS Camera Station Pro essentials is a one-day, hands-on course on the installation, configuration, and operation of AXIS Camera Station Pro video management software.

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Instructor-led training

AXIS Camera Station Professional

Many dates | Southeast Asia

This course covers how to design, install, operate, and manage a network video surveillance system using AXIS Camera Station and AXIS Camera Station Integrator Suite.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Multiple choices | Czech Republic

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials is a comprehensive course that expands on the knowledge obtained during the AXIS Camera Station for Professionals course. 

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Multiple choices | Croatia

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials is a comprehensive course that expands on the knowledge obtained during the AXIS Camera Station for Professionals course. 

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Multiple choices | Poland

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials is a comprehensive course that expands on the knowledge obtained during the AXIS Camera Station for Professionals course.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Multiple choices | Romania

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials is a comprehensive course that expands on the knowledge obtained during the AXIS Camera Station for Professionals course. 

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry essentials

Many dates | United States

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry essentials is a one-day, hands-on training on the installation, configuration, and operation of AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry access control software.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Více možností

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials – komplexní kurz rozšiřující znalosti získané v kurzu AXIS Camera Station pro profesionály. Kurz se skládá z přednášky a praktického cvičení, jehož součástí je práce s jednotlivými nástroji pro kontrolu přístupu – od čtečky karet, přes interkomy až po kameru snímající registrační značky vozidel. 

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Kompleksowe rozwiązania

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials

Wiele opcji | Polska

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry Essentials to kompleksowy kurs, który rozszerza wiedzę zdobytą podczas kursu AXIS Camera Station for Professionals.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry in practice

| Hong Kong

This classroom-based course introduces you to access control and contains hands-on exercises with relevant products. You learn the basics about access control and how to combine access control with video surveillance. You are introduced to AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry and its main capabilities. You explore different case studies and learn different system implementations through hands-on exercises.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Controle de acesso

AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry na prática

12 março | Portugal

Neste curso, obterá experiência prática sobre como combinar o controlo de acesso com outros sistemas de videovigilância e aprenderá diferentes implementações de soluções através de exercícios práticos.

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Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Solutions complètes

AXIS Camera Station: Formation avancée

| Bussigny

Il s'agit d'une formation de mise à niveau qui aborde les possibilités étendues d'AXIS Camera Station Pro en pratique.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Certification Preparation

| Hong Kong

The course will take you through a review of material covering the different subject areas on the test.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Certification Preparation

| Blended

Axis certification preparation training is a one day instructor-led course, designed to introduce and prepare you for Axis Network Video Exam.

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Axis Cyber Security Training

 +1 | Ismaning

In dieser Schulung lernen Sie, was Sie gegen potentielle Gefahren und Schwachstellen einer typischen Videoüberwachungslösung tun können.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Axis Network Audio Essentials

Southeast Asia

Gain firsthand experience with Axis network audio. You will learn how to install, configure, and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as with network cameras.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Axis network audio essentials

Many dates | United States

Axis network audio essentials is a one-day, hands-on training on the installation, configuration, and operation of Axis network audio solutions.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Axis Offerings

| Delhi, India

This course provides a comprehensive overview of Axis product and service offerings. Participants will learn about the range of solutions provided, their features, and how to effectively apply them to meet business needs.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Více | Czech Republic

V tomto kurzu se dozvíte základní informace o radarové technologii, ochraně perimetru, o tom, co je třeba zvážit při navrhování systému ochrany perimetru, a také o výhodách a nevýhodách termokamer a optických kamer v perimetru. Prostřednictvím ukázek a cvičení se dozvíte o bezpečnostních radarech a použitelné radarové technologii, jak používat analytické aplikace AXIS Perimeter Defender pro detekci narušení spolu s doplňkem AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Multiple | Czech Republic

This course will teach you basic on radar technology, perimeter protection, what to consider when designing a perimeter protection system, as well as the pros and cons of thermal cameras vs. optical cameras in the perimeter. Through demos and exercises, you will learn about security radars and applicable radar technology, how to use the analytics apps AXIS Perimeter Defender for intrusion detection along with the add-on AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Multiple | Croatia

This course will teach you basic on radar technology, perimeter protection, what to consider when designing a perimeter protection system, as well as the pros and cons of thermal cameras vs. optical cameras in the perimeter. Through demos and exercises, you will learn about security radars and applicable radar technology, how to use the analytics apps AXIS Perimeter Defender for intrusion detection along with the add-on AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Kompleksowe rozwiązania

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection


Ten oparty na zajęciach stacjonarnych kurs nauczy Cię podstaw ochrony obwodowej - co należy wziąć pod uwagę przy projektowaniu systemu ochrony obwodowej, a także zalety i wady kamer termowizyjnych w porównaniu z kamerami optycznymi stosowanymi na obwodzie oraz rozwiązaniami radarowymi. Dzięki demonstracjom i ćwiczeniom dowiesz się, jak korzystać z aplikacji analitycznych takich jak AXIS Perimeter Defender i Axis Object Analytics do wykrywania włamań. Zrozumiesz zasady działania radarów Axis a także będzie potrafił wykorzystać analityki do sterowania kamerami PTZ. 

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Multiple | Poland

This course will teach you basic on radar technology, perimeter protection, what to consider when designing a perimeter protection system, as well as the pros and cons of thermal cameras vs. optical cameras in the perimeter. Through demos and exercises, you will learn about security radars and applicable radar technology, how to use the analytics apps AXIS Perimeter Defender for intrusion detection along with the add-on AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Perimeter and Area Protection

Multiple | Romania

This course will teach you basic on radar technology, perimeter protection, what to consider when designing a perimeter protection system, as well as the pros and cons of thermal cameras vs. optical cameras in the perimeter. Through demos and exercises, you will learn about security radars and applicable radar technology, how to use the analytics apps AXIS Perimeter Defender for intrusion detection along with the add-on AXIS Perimeter Defender PTZ Autotracking.

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Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore

AXIS Perimeter Defender

Diverse città | Italia

Questo corso in aula spiega come proteggere il perimetro di un sito con AXIS Perimeter Defender. Soluzione di anti intrusione completa.

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Instructor-led training

AXIS Perimeter Defender

Many dates | Southeast Asia

Learn the basics about radar technology, perimeter protection, and how to design a perimeter protection system using AXIS Perimeter Defender.

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강사 주도 교육

AXIS Perimeter Defender를 이용한 높은 수준의 보호

| 한국

침입 탐지를 위해 AXIS Perimeter Defender 및 PTZ Autotracking을 설치, 보정 및 구성하는 방법에 대해 알아봅니다.

자세히 알아보기
Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Product update

| Bangalore, India

This course focuses on new product launches for the quarter, featuring key highlights and relevant use cases. Participants will learn to apply new features and explore the strategic impact of updates through practical examples.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Product update

| Bangalore, India

This course focuses on new product launches for the quarter, featuring key highlights and relevant use cases. Participants will learn to apply new features and explore the strategic impact of updates through practical examples.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Axis Product update

| Delhi, India

This course focuses on new product launches for the quarter, featuring key highlights and relevant use cases. Participants will learn to apply new features and explore the strategic impact of updates through practical examples.

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Instructor-led training

Axis Thermal Camera Training

Many dates | Southeast Asia

Learn about thermal and thermometric technology with hands-on exercises with relevant products.

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Instructor-led training
System devices

Axis Tools Update

| Bangalore, India

This course focuses on using Axis tools for designing and creating accurate Bill of Quantities (BOQ). Participants will learn to efficiently use Axis tools and software for estimation, material quantities, and project planning, ensuring precise and streamlined BOQ creation for surveillance and engineering projects.

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Instructor-led training

Axis 穿戴式解決方案必備專業課程

Many dates available | Taiwan


강사 주도 교육
엔드-투-엔드 솔루션

Axis가 제공하는 엔드 투 엔드 솔루션

| 한국

AXIS Camera Station을 사용하여 카메라, 인터폰, 네트워크 스피커, 다양한 시스템 장치 및 분석과 같은 제품을 연결하여 Axis 엔드 투 엔드 솔루션을 만드는 방법에 대해 알아봅니다.

자세히 알아보기
Formación dirigida por un instructor

Ciberseguridad en práctica

Bajo demanda | España

Este curso le brinda una introducción a la ciberseguridad en su aplicación a los sistemas de vídeo en red. Explore cómo se aplican los principios relevantes de gestión de riesgos, así como en AXIS Device Manager. 

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Configuração da câmera – Além das configurações padrão

Data a confirmar | Portugal

Aprenda sobre as técnicas de configuração avançada da câmera que ajudará você a aproveitar ao máximo as suas câmeras de rede.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Configuración de la cámara: más allá de los ajustes predeterminados

Bajo demanda | España

Descubra técnicas de configuración avanzada de cámaras que le ayudarán a obtener el máximo provecho de sus cámaras de red.

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Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Configuration avancée des caméras

| France

La formation enseigne les techniques de configuration avancée des caméras, y compris la gestion des caméras, l’optimisation des images, la compression et l’intégration des caméras.

Dates et villes disponibles
Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Soluções fim a fim

Construindo soluções ponta a ponta com AXIS Camera Station

Projete soluções ponta a ponta Axis. Use o AXIS Camera Station como o VMS e faça com que ele se comunique com os alto-falantes para fins de segurança e proteção. Configure o controle de acesso usando o AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry.

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Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore
Soluzioni end-to-end

Corso Creazione di soluzioni con AXIS Camera Station

Diverse città | Italia

Questo corso mostra come utilizzare AXIS Camera Station e collegare telecamere, intercom, altoparlanti, controllo degli accessi e analisi per creare una soluzione Axis completa.

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Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Solutions complètes

Création de solutions complètes avec AXIS Camera Station

| France

Cette formation montre comment utiliser AXIS Camera Station et connecter des caméras, visiophones, haut-parleurs,  contrôle d’accès et fonctions d’analyse afin de créer une solution complète Axis.

Dates et villes disponibles
Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Curso de Preparación a la Certificación

A determinar | España

Formación de medio día dirigido por un instructor, diseñada para prepararle para el examen de vídeo en red de Axis. Se realizarán preguntas de test prácticas y obtendrá herramientas para ayudarle a continuar preparándose.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Customized Training

An Axis Communications Academy Course – Exclusively for Your Company!

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Instructor-led training


Many dates | Southeast Asia

Get an overview of cybersecurity as applied to network video systems, including risk management and hardening procedures using the product software and AXIS Device Manager.

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Instructor-led training

Cybersecurity in practice

| Hong Kong

Get an overview of cybersecurity as applied to network video systems, including risk management and hardening procedures using the product software and AXIS Device Manager.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Soluções fim a fim

Descubre AXIS Camera Station Pro

29 janeiro | Portugal

Descubra o AXIS Camera Station Pro, um VMS potente e fácil de usar, ideal para vários tipos de sistemas.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Soluciones integrales

Descubre AXIS Camera Station Pro - nuevas funcionalidades

19 febrero | 19 marzo | España

Descubra AXIS Camera Station Pro, un VMS potente y fácil de usar, ideal para varios tipos de sistemas.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Desenho de soluções de vídeo em rede

28 janeiro | Portugal

AXIS Site Designer - Desenho de projeto: Aprenda a desenhar um sistema de videomonitoramento em rede.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Designing network video solutions

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Designing network video solutions

| Hong Kong

Learn to design a network video surveillance system using Axis site designer.

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Instructor-led training

Discover Axis analytics for security and safety

Many dates | Virtual and In person

Discover Axis Analytics for Security and Safety provides a comprehensive overview of Axis analytics useful for physical security.

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Instructor-led training

Discover Axis body worn solutions

Many dates available | Hong Kong

This course introduces you to Axis body worn solution. You will learn about the components involved and the accessories available and see what measures have been taken to make the solution secure and robust. Also, you will have hands-on experience on setting up the body worn system as well as enable and set up the body worn live functions.

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Instructor-led training

Discover Axis body worn solutions

Many dates | Virtual and In person

Discover the many benefits and possibilities of Axis body worn solutions including the software and hardware components involved as well as the supported use cases.

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Instructor-led training

Discover Axis body worn solutions

Many dates | Southeast Asia

Gain firsthand experience with Axis network audio. You will learn how to install, configure, and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as with network cameras.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Discover AXIS Camera Station

Many dates | Virtual and In person

Discover AXIS Camera Station, a VMS that is both powerful and easy to use.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Discover AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry in practice

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

This short classroom-based course introduces you to AXIS Camera Station Secure Entry. You will explore different case studies and system implementations through hands-on exercises.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover Axis explosion-protected solutions for hazardous areas(Virtual)

Many dates available | Hong Kong

This online course introduces Axis explosion-protected cameras. You will learn about the risks in hazardous areas, how explosion-protected cameras work, why choose Axis explosion-protected cameras, the benefits of video analytics, and in which scenarios explosion-protected cameras can support you with health and safety applications as well as operational efficiency.

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Instructor-led training

Discover Axis object analytics

Many dates available | Hong Kong

Learn the fundamentals of AXIS Video Analytics and how to use the Axis object analytics aoolication on Axis cameras to achieve better result.

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Instructor-led training

Discover AXIS Object Analytics

Many dates | Virtual and In person

Discover AXIS Object Analytics, an edge-based video analytics application designed to detect, classify, and count humans and vehicle types.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover Axis OS

Many dates | Virtual and In person

Discover AXIS OS, the operating system and user interface of Axis devices.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover Axis Product Portfolio

Multiple | Nordic countries

In this portfolio overview you will learn the differences between Axis network camera types and their most common use-cases.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover Axis security radars

Multiple | Nordic countries

This instructor-led training introduces you to radar technology.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover Axis security radars

Multiple | Nordic countries

This virtual instructor-led training introduces you to radar technology.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Discover AXIS Site Designer

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland or Virtual options

This virtual classroom teaches you to create great projects with AXIS Site Designer. It provides a walk-through of the tool and a work-flow to follow when designing projects.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover Axis tools

Many dates | Virtual and In person

Discover Axis tools that can improve the operational efficiency of your organization – from planning, to design, to install, to administration, to troubleshooting.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover Axis Tools

Southeast Asia

Discover Axis tools that can improve the operational efficiency of your organisation – from planning, to design, installation, administration, and troubleshooting.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover installation best practices

Many dates | Virtual and In person

Discover installation best practices and master techniques for efficient and professional results. You’ll also explore Axis tools and resources that help ensure consistent, high-quality work.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Discover network video

Many dates | Virtual and In person

Discover the benefits of network video, its different applications, and how camera components such as the lens, sensor, and processor work together to deliver high-quality images.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Diseño de Soluciones de Vídeo en Red

1 abril | 7 mayo | 29 octubre | España

Aprenda a diseñar un sistema de vigilancia de vídeo en red.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Soluciones integrales

Diseño de soluciones integrales con AXIS Camera Station

A determinar | España

Aprenda a crear soluciones integrales utilizando AXIS Camera Station como VMS, conectando un sistema completo con cámaras, intercomunicador, control de acceso, altavoz de red y analíticas.

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Instructor-led training
Network intercoms

Essentials: 2N

Many dates | Canada

Essentials: 2N is a 1-day classroom course that provides foundation knowledge and hands-on experience with 2N intercoms and answering solutions.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Essentials: AXIS Camera Station

This one-day course covers many aspects of designing & configuring AXIS Camera Station including setting up views, retrieving recordings, and much more.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Essentials: Axis Network Audio

This one day class lets you understand how to install, configure, and operate Axis network audio devices in standalone mode and with Axis network cameras.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Essentials: Designing Network Video Solutions

This one-day course covers many important aspects of designing a network video surveillance system.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Explore AXIS Camera Station End to End

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

Learn how to use AXIS Camera Station to connect products such as cameras, intercoms, network speakers, access-control devices and analytics to create an Axis end-to-end solution.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Poland

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Czech Republic

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Romania

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Croatia

This classroom-based course explores how to design a great network video surveillance system. You will learn the three Ps of surveillance design: Purpose, Product and Placement.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Více | Czech Republic

Tento školicí kurz se zabývá důležitými aspekty návrhu síťového kamerového systému. Probírají se témata, jako jsou cíle dohledu, umístění kamer, analýza videa, výkon sítě a řešení ukládání.Veškerá prezentovaná teorie je následně implementována v praxi.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | Nordic countries

This training provides a solid foundation for designing network video solutions. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Explore Network Video Design

Multiple | United Kingdom and Irealn

In this blended learning training, you’ll learn about the important aspects of designing network video solutions and how to design a system using AXIS Site Designer.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Przesyłanie wideo w sieci

Explore Network Video Design


Kurs ten wykorzystuje ćwiczenia praktyczne z wykorzystaniem AXIS Site Designer do nauki projektowania sieciowego systemu dozoru wideo.

Dowiedz się więcej
Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Fondements de la vidéo sur IP

| France

La formation en classe vous apporte des bases solides concernant la vidéosurveillance sur IP. 

Dates et villes disponibles
Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Formation de base sur la vidéosurveillance en réseau

| Bussigny

Apprenez les aspects fondamentaux de la vidéosurveillance en réseau. Vous pourrez également acquérir une expérience pratique en connectant et en configurant les produits Axis.

En découvrir plus
Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Vidéo sur IP

Formation personnalisée

Un cours de l'Axis Communications Academy – Exclusivement pour votre entreprise !

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Áudio em rede

Fundamentos de áudio em rede

Algumas sessões | Brasil

Aprenda os aspectos fundamentais de áudio em rede. Além disso, obtenha experiência prática conectando e configurando dispositivos da Axis.

Mais informações
Formación dirigida por un instructor
Audio en red

Fundamentos de audio en red

Algunas sesiones | Latinoamérica

Aprenda los aspectos fundamentales del audio en red. Además, obtenga experiencia práctica conectando y configurando dispositivos de Axis.

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Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Vídeo em rede

Fundamentos de vídeo em rede (presencial)

Aprenda os conceitos para destacar-se em soluções de videomonitoramento em rede e ponha-os em prática conectando e configurando produtos Axis.

Mais informações
Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Fundamentos de video en red (presencial)

Aprende aspectos fundamentales de la videovigilancia en red. Obtenga también experiencia práctica conectando y configurando productos de Axis.

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Instructor-led training
End-to-end solutions

Get to know AXIS Camera Station

Multiple | Nordic countries

This instructor led course gives you a solid introduction to how to create end-to-end solutions using AXIS Camera Station as the video management software. 

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Instructor-led training

Installation Best Practices

Many dates | Southeast Asia

Learn the key aspects to ensure success in installations and avoid issues.

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Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Solutions complètes

Introduction à AXIS Site Designer

| France

La formation présente l'outils AXIS Site Designer ainsi que ces fonctionnalités.

Dates et villes disponibles
Instructor-led training

Intrusion protection

| Hong Kong

Learn about designing solutions for securing perimeters and areas within perimeters, and about the relevant Axis products, analytics and technologies.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Dispositivos del sistema

Mejores prácticas de instalación (presencial)

Aprenda los aspectos clave para garantizar el éxito en las instalaciones y evitar problemas.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network Audio Essentials

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

Discover the many benefits and possibilities with Axis network audio and learn how to plan, install, integrate, and manage Axis network audio systems. 

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

| Hong Kong

This classroom-based course covers the essentials of network (IP) audio. We’ll explore topics like network basics, audio theory, audio-system design, and network-audio management through a combination of theory-based lessons and hands-on exercises.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Více | Czech Republic

Axis Network Audio Essentials je komplexní základní kurz o síťovém audiu. Toto školení je praktické - studenti získají přímé zkušenosti se síťovými audio reproduktory Axis a softwarem pro správu zvuku Axis. V první polovině kurzu se studenti naučí konfigurovat a provozovat síťová audio zařízení v samostatném režimu i v systému VMS. Zatímco v druhé polovině kurzu se studenti naučí plánovat, konfigurovat a provozovat systémy prostřednictvím aplikace AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Multiple | Czech Republic

Axis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Multiple | Romania

Axis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Multiple | Poland

Axis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio essentials

Multiple | Croatia

Axis Network Audio Essentials is a comprehensive foundation course on network audio. This training is hands-on – students will gain first-hand experience with Axis network audio speakers and Axis audio management software. In the first half of the course, students will learn how to configure and operate network audio devices in standalone mode as well as in a VMS. While in the second half of the course, students will learn how to plan, configure, and operate systems via AXIS Audio Manager Edge.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Sieciowe systemy audio

Network audio essentials


Ten oparty na zajęciach stacjonarnych kurs obejmuje podstawy sieciowego (IP) audio. Zbadamy takie tematy jak podstawy sieci, teoria audio, projektowanie systemów audio i zarządzanie systemem audio poprzez połączenie lekcji teoretycznych i ćwiczeń praktycznych.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network audio fundamentals

Some sessions | The Caribbean

Learn fundamental aspects of network audio. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis devices.

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Instructor-led training
Network audio

Network Audio Fundamentals - Nordics

Learn the fundamentals of network audio and how to plan, install, integrate, and manage Axis network audio systems for background music, public address, and security.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Many dates | Southeast Asia

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance and gain hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Network Video Fundamentals gives you the opportunity to learn many disciplines from system design to configuration and installation as well as troubleshooting.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Multiple | United Kingdom and Ireland

This course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The theory is presented in a range of eLearning modules (for self-paced studies), while the hands-on exercises take place in a classroom. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products. Afterwards, there is a virtual help session, giving you the opportunity to review the most relevant topics and ask questions.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

 +1 | Rotterdam

Learn all about the essential aspects of network video surveillance and gain hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance and gain hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance and gain hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals

| Hong Kong

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choices | Croatia

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Bude rozhodnuto

Tento kurz v učebně vás důkladně seznámí se síťovým videodohledem. Kurz obsahuje kombinaci teoretických prezentací a praktických cvičení. V rámci cvičení se naučíte připojovat a konfigurovat produkty Axis.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choices | Poland

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instruktor prowadzący szkolenie
Przesyłanie wideo w sieci

Network Video Fundamentals


Ten dwudniowy kurs stacjonarny stanowi solidne wprowadzenie do tematyki sieciowego dozoru wizyjnego. Składa się z prezentacji teorii i ćwiczeń praktycznych. 

Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choice | Romania

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Multiple choice | Czech Republic

This classroom course gives you a solid introduction to network video surveillance. The course contains a mix of theoretical presentations and hands-on exercises. In the exercises you will learn how to connect and configure Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals & Certification

Many dates | Southeast Asia

In this instructor-led training, learn the theory of network video surveillance and get hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network Video Fundamentals & Certification

Many occasions | Mumbai

In this instructor-led training, learn the theory of network video surveillance and get hands-on experience connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals & certification

Many dates | United States

Network video fundamentals is a comprehensive training program for experienced professionals seeking to advance their knowledge and skills in network video technologies.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals (in-classroom)

Many sessions | Many countries

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Network video fundamentals - Nordics

Multiple | Nordic Countries

Learn fundamental aspects of network video surveillance. Also get hands-on experience from connecting and configuring Axis products.

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 +5 | Ismaning, Krefeld, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Ulm

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

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| Mägenwil

Lernen Sie grundlegende Aspekte der Netzwerk-Videoüberwachung kennen. Außerdem können Sie praktische Erfahrungen beim Anschließen und Konfigurieren von Axis-Produkten sammeln.

Mehr erfahren
Formation dirigée par un instructeur
Audio en réseau

Notions de base de l’audio IP

| France

Apprenez les bases du réseau Audio et découvrez les possibilités d'AXIS Audio Solution avec des exemples concrets. 

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Instructor-led training
Network video

Perimeter Protection

Multiple | Nordic countries

This course gives you a solid hands-on introduction on Axis solutions for perimeter defense. The course combines theory and hands-on exercises outdoors. 

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Personalisierte Schulung

Ein Axis Communications Academy Kurs - Nur für Ihr Unternehmen!

Mehr erfahren
Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore
Video di rete

Preparazione alla certificazione AXIS

Diverse città | Italia

Questo corso gratuito di mezza giornata permette di ripassare i concetti principali sviluppati durante i corsi in aula per prepararsi correttamente alla certificazione.

Scopri di più
Corsi di formazione guidati da un istruttore
Soluzioni end-to-end

Progettazione delle soluzioni video di rete

Diverse città | Italia

Design Network Video Solutions è il corso dedicato a chi progetta e a chi sviluppa una sistema di videosorveglianza professionale.

Scopri di più
Treinamento ministrado por instrutor
Controle de acesso

Proteção contra intrusões

11 março | Portugal

Este curso presencial abrange produtos e tecnologias Axis para uso na proteção de perímetro e instalações de pequenas, médias e grandes organizações. Ele também inclui avaliação de risco e contramedidas apropriadas.

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Formación dirigida por un instructor
Vídeo en red

Protección frente a intrusiones

A determinar | España

En este curso se abordan los productos y tecnologías Axis que se utilizan para proteger el perímetro y las instalaciones, la evaluación de riesgos y medidas defensivas apropiadas.

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Instructor-led training
System devices

Security radars in practice

| Hong Kong

This classroom-based course introduces you to radar technology and contains hands-on exercises with relevant products. You learn the basics about security radars and applicable radar technology. You also get an introduction to Axis radars and their capabilities.

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Instructor-led training
System devices

Update on Thermal, Radar, Bodyworn Solutions and Ex-Protect Products & Solutions

| Bangalore, India

This is an instructor-led training that covers Axis Technologies as well as products across Thermal, Radar, Bodyworn and Explosion Protected cameras

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Обучение под руководством инструктора
Сетевое видео

Основы сетевого видеонаблюдения

Изучите фундаментальные аспекты сетевого видеонаблюдения. Получите опыт запуска и конфигурирования продуктов Axis. Для системных интеграторов и инсталляторов.

Обучение под руководством инструктора
Сетевое видео

Проектирование систем видеонаблюдения

В этом курсе с помощью практических упражнений с AXIS Site Designer вы научитесь проектировать системы сетевого видеонаблюдения с учетом поставленных задач, размещения камер, уровня освещенности и приложений видеоаналитики. Вы познакомитесь с инструментами, предлагаемыми компанией Axis для облегчения процесса проектирования.

Instructor-led training
System devices


| Taiwan


Instructor-led training
Network video


Many dates available | Hong Kong


강사 주도 교육
네트워크 비디오

네트워크 비디오 펀더멘털

| 한국

네트워크 비디오 보안 감시의 기본 측면을 알아보고 Axis 제품, Axis 자체 기술 및 네트워크 비디오에 대한 기본 이론에 대해 알아봅니다.

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강사 주도 교육
네트워크 오디오

네트워크 오디오 펀더멘털

| 한국

네트워크 오디오의 기본 사항과 배경 음악, 안내 방송 및 보안을 위해 Axis 네트워크 오디오 시스템을 계획, 설치, 통합 및 관리하는 방법에 대해 알아봅니다.

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